Page 51 of Tempting Darkness

“Eat. It will make you feel better,” Lycus said, pressing one to my lips. Kalen looked at him funny before he grabbed my tablet at my feet. I tried to reach for it, not wanting him to read my messages, but he placed it on charge.

“Eat!” Lycus snapped, pressing the sandwich triangle to my lips again. I took a bite, and he seemed to relax but insisted on feeding me like a child. I noticed Kalen watching him, just as confused as I was about his strange behavior. When he pressed a third against my lips, I shook my head, hoping Lycus would leave it so I could sneak down to feed my phoenix tonight. He had started to heal and had some feathers coming back. His wing was still injured, but Ryze was on the mend.

Chapter 42

Lycus and Kalen stayedfor a while, and whatever Lycus was angry about even bothered Kalen as he repeatedly asked what was wrong. Lycus only growled before eventually storming out, saying he had to take care of something.

It was now dark, and I wondered how long they would let Kalen stay. What I was most surprised about was that Lycus had left me alone with him. That never happened; Kalen was always chaperoned around me, but whatever pissed him off must have made him forget that I was alone with him.

“I wonder how long until he realizes?” Kalen murmured, and I looked at him.

“Realize what?”

“That he left me alone with you. Darius will be furious,” Kalen answered, and I nodded, hoping I wouldn’t cop the brunt of that fury. With a sigh, I stood up, and Kalen looked at me.

“Where are you going?”

“To shower, and you should go before we both get in trouble,” I told him. He nodded and got up.

“It will get easier,” Kalen said, and I looked back at him. “It’sonly because they don’t trust you and they’re too stubborn to see their own flaws,” he added.

“What’s done is done. It changes nothing. He still killed my parents. No matter what he believed or his intentions, it would have ended up this way,” I told Kalen and instantly regretted it when his face turned somber.

“Would you have run if you knew me before?” he asked, and my brows furrowed at his words as I thought them over.

“No, I would have asked you to run with me,” I told him. “But I also know you wouldn’t leave Lycus.”

He nodded and went to say something before stopping himself. I walked into the bathroom and stripped my clothes off when he said nothing. My shirt smells of sweat, and goosebumps rose on my arms as I waited for the water temperature to go up.

The cramping had gone now that I had eaten, and I was feeling a little better.

Halfway through my shower, when I was washing my hair out, I felt a draft and nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt someone bump into my back. A shriek left my lips as I spun, trying to cover myself. Kalen chuckled while I backed away from him, looking nervously at the door leading into his room. When I saw it was shut, I let out a breath.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” he said while stepping closer. His eyes dropped to my breasts. I was desperately trying to cover them with my arm.

“Kalen,” I squeaked, feeling rather exposed. I liked Kalen, but that didn’t mean I wanted him to invade my shower. My face heated, and he smirked before dipping his face under the shower spray, and I moved closer to the wall. He reached for the soap before washing his face, and my eyes trailed down his bronze-colored skin. He was muscular but not as bulky as the others. My face heated when I followed his V-line. I pressed my lips in a line and tried not to giggle, not because he was small, but because I had never seen one up close to compare size.

I knew it was stupid, yet I snorted, and he rubbed a hand down his face before looking at me.

“Something funny?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow at me.

He raised his eyebrows at me, and I giggled like an idiot.

“I don’t know if it is a good thing you are laughing or if I should feel insulted,” he snickered.

I tried to stop, yet it was so strange-looking and veiny. I wasn’t a total idiot. I had seen sex scenes on TV before, but never in person. Now, I was so close I could touch it, not that I would.

“Geez, anyone would think you had never seen one before,” he laughed, and my giggling cut off abruptly.

Oh my god, how embarrassing. Here I was giggling like some school girl because I was twenty-four and had never seen a dick before. Kalen stopped laughing and stared at me.

“Wait. Please, tell me you have.”

I shook my head, and his eyes widened before he suddenly covered himself with his hand.

“Well, this got awkward fast,” he said, looking away. “Have you really never seen a dick before?”

“The girls had separate bathrooms,” I told him.