Damien tries grabbing my arm to pull me back inside. My entire body was trembling in anger. How could he get another wolf pregnant then force his mate to come home with him? Was I expected to be okay with him having a child with someone else?

“Don’t touch me” I snap, shoving him. I turn my back on him before walking off. I hear him growl loudly following after me, his feet loud on the gravel driveway. The Alpha grabbing me again makes Layla lose it, she forces her way forward and I can feel my eyes blazing making the Alpha step back. She feels betrayed and so do I. Unfortunately, when Layla feels upset, she instantly turns to anger. I didn’t even fight her for control, I know I probably should have but I was too pissed off to care if she hurt him.

Damien hearing my bones snapping growled trying to command her to stop. His voice only angered her more than I felt the shift take over. My bones snapping and realigning within seconds, like she flipped a switch as my clothes ripped to shreds and my body transformed into my wolfs. Layla didn’t shove me out though, which I was expecting instead, letting me remain with her. She lunged at the Alpha; he reacted quickly, sidestepping out of her way just before she sank her canines into him. Layla whined before turning and advancing on him again. She tackled him. I expected him to shift, yet he didn’t instead just copping her attacks. She hated hurting him, yet she was so angry and hurt by him, she couldn’t stop.

Damien’s shoulder was torn open and blood was running down his body every time her teeth ripped into his flesh. He didn’t even make a sound as she tore into the muscle of his leg, like he was unaffected by her ripping him apart.

“Layla stop, you’re going to kill him” She growled loudly as Damien threw her off. She skidded along the rocks, landing on her side.

“Layla enough” He growled warningly.

She hackled up, but stopped. When my voice rang clearly to her.

“You promised Layla, not to shove me out. Listen to him. Stop you’re scaring the kids” Layla’s head snapped towards the park, making Alpha Damien sidestep, blocking her view of the children that looked on at the scene playing out horrified.

Alpha Damien was drenched in his own blood, making her really look at him, before she howled sadly. She then turned around, running behind the pack house and up the street. People jumping out of her way as she tore up the street. The street came to a dead end at the forest edge.

“I hate him” She growled.

“She could be lying, it may not be his” I tell her as I feel her start to slow down to a slow jog.

“And if it is?” She replied.

“We will deal with it when we know for sure,” I tell her, trying to keep her calm. It was a fresh feeling being able to be completely present while in this form, I like the feel of the cool breeze ruffling her fur, the sounds her paws made on the dirt. She seemed calm in this form, like it was home to her.

“So what do you want to do now?” She asked, shocking me further.

“I don’t know Layla, we can go back” I suggested. I know it won’t be long before the Alpha sends out people looking for us.

“I don’t want to go back” She murmurs.

We walked through the forest eventually coming to a stream, Layla sipped thirstily before laying down next to it. I don’t know how long we stayed there, but when the sky turned shades of pink and orange, we heard the howls of wolves shifting and coming into the forest. Layla's ears perked up, and she growled, annoyed that they had interrupted her peace. I was actually shocked, he hadn’t sent people out sooner. The entire day seemed to pass by quickly. When the howls got louder, Layla took off. Running along the water’s edge. She stopped and sniffed the earth a few times, picking up a familiar scent. I couldn’t remember where I smelt it before.

“What is it?” I asked, curious if she knew who’s scent it was.

“I think it is that girl we met yesterday” She stated following the scent. We eventually emerged from the treeline at the back of a house.

“You mean Callie?”

“Yeah, I think it's hers'' She said before following the scent all the way to the door. Her scent was stronger here, very strong, and there was also a masculine scent showing a male wolf lived here.

“Now what?” I asked her, wondering what it was she wanted with Callie.

Layla whined loudly before shifting back. I screeched when I was suddenly standing naked on her front porch.

“Shit Layla, some warning would be nice next time, I have no clothes” I tell her, trying my best to cover myself with my hands. Suddenly I hear movement inside, before the door is thrown open and Max’s eyes go wide before he looks away. “Shit, sorry Luna hang on”

“Callie, bring a towel” He calls out up the stairs, keeping his back to me.

I can hear Callie running around before she runs down the stairs, a look of surprise on her face.

“I am so sorry my wolf just shifted back leaving me like this” I tell her worried it might upset her with me standing naked in front of her mate. She smiled before handing me a towel.

“It's fine, you haven’t got anything he hasn’t seen before” She smirked before opening the door wider. I stepped inside.

“I’m so sorry” I tell Max.

“All good, nudity isn’t that big around here, at least you weren’t the old duck next door” He cringed and I laughed.