“Seen her naked one-to-many times, seriously don’t understand how she can shift at her age. The woman is like eighty” He said before shuddering again. He obviously isn’t too keen on remembering her naked.

“Leave Marge alone, she is lovely, and can probably still kick your ass” Callie called out from upstairs. She soon came out with a pair of jeans and a shirt, handing them to me.

“These should fit, we are around the same size, besides up top” She smirked looking at my ample cleavage. Callie had boobs but weren’t even near the size of mine. I pulled the towel tighter, feeling a little uncomfortable. She showed me to the bathroom, and I quickly chucked the clothes on.

“Alpha has sent people out looking for you,” Callie stated. Talking to me through the door.

“Yeah, we had a bit of an argument,” I told her.

“Yeah, the entire town has been talking about it, said your wolf gave him a bit of a touch up” She snickered. I chuckled softly at her words. Before opening the door.

“Hungry? We just brought pizza’s” At the mention of food, my stomach instantly growled loudly.

“I take that as a yes,” she laughed.

I followed her into the lounge room. Her house differed vastly from the pack house. Their house had pictures on the walls, some paintings, the place was quite cosy and had personality. I sat on the rug in front of the fire, next to the coffee table. Callie and Max came out a few minutes later with three boxes of Pizza and beers.

Opening the boxes, we dig in. I was starving, having not eaten since yesterday.

“So what was your fight about?” Asked Max.

I downed half my beer quickly. “Tabitha, some girl he knocked up” I tell them. They both avert their eyes back to their food. Max passes me another beer.

Grabbing another slice of pizza, Callie speaks up. “Can’t stand that woman, I don’t know how he put up with her for all them years always whining and acting like she was our Luna”

“Callie” Max growled quickly, nudging her with his elbow. “What it’s true” Callie said looking at him annoyed.

“It's fine, really. What’s done is done,” I tell them. We end up watching movies and drinking for half the night. By the time the end credit comes on. I am pretty drunk when I see Callie’s and Max’s eyes glaze over. I can tell they are mind linking someone. Callie looks at me nervously.

“The Alpha is on his way over” She tells me and I groan. “Great, just fucking great.” I heard Layla growl in my head, not wanting to be around him. She was content with staying here for the night.

“I’m sorry, he made us tell him where you were. He isn’t happy. We were supposed to tell him if we saw you” She mumbled guiltily.

I nod, feeling bad, and hoping they don’t get in too much trouble because of me. I try to stand but having been sitting all night and drinking, all the alcohol seemed to go to my feet and I wobbled slightly before sitting back down. I giggle at the feeling when I suddenly hear a loud banging on the door, before it is suddenly kicked in. Making both Callie and Max freeze wide eyed toward the lounge room door. The Alpha steps in and growls.

“You were both fucking told to notify me if you seen her” He spoke harshly. They both flinched, and I giggled like an idiot. I found his anger funny. Which made his eyes dart to me. He sniffed the air slightly before stepping into the room.

“She is fucking drunk?” he asked. Glaring at both of them. They both nodded quickly before looking at the ground.

“Leave them be, I wouldn’t be drunk if you didn’t go around sticking your dick in other she-wolves” I laughed. My words were slurred slightly, and I heard Layla huff in my head angrily at him.

Damien growled before marching toward me. He grabbed my arm, hauling me to my feet. I fell into him, my hand going to his chest as I steadied myself.

“How much has she drunk?” He asked, looking at them. Callie’s eyes darted to the empty carton boxes in the corner. I hadn’t even noticed the amount, but for the entire night I have had a beer in my hand, so I knew I consumed a fair amount.

“I will deal with you both at training tomorrow” He growled, pulling me toward the door.

“Leave them alone” I said, trying to pull my arm from his grip. He tugged me towards him before scooping me up and walking outside.

“Put me down I can walk” I yelled annoyed.

“Be quiet Lily, I have had every pack warrior out looking for you for hours”

“They mustn’t be very good, I have been here for hours” I muttered, leaning my head heavily on his shoulder.

“No. Your wolf is very good at masking her scent” He growled out annoyed. He walked for what felt like ages, before I heard him fiddle with some keys unlocking the pack house door.

He placed me on my feet, forcing me to wake up completely from my slumber. I looked around and groaned. I walked toward the lounge room.