I walk into the house and it is even more impressive inside. It isn’t one of those cheesy beach houses with signs like “Surf’s Up” or fake conch shells everywhere. It only has slight accents of beach-themed decor.

An embroidered starfish outline on a throw pillow.

A watercolor painting of a beach scene.

Hues of blue and gold and white through the living room.

It’s beautiful.

I’m pulled out of my bliss by the sound of the door crashing open behind me.

I turn on my heel.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize my own strength, I guess.”

Justin Maxwell stands before me.

And I feel like I need to get my eyes checked.

Little Justin is not so little anymore.

He’s… brawny. Like Mr. Clean. Or The Rock. Okay, maybe not that large, but compared to what he had been, the transition is remarkable.

Justin got taller, too. He’s tall enough that he ducks down slightly to avoid hitting the top of the doorframe.

When did Justin become a man?

And why in God’s name am I feeling so…confusedabout it?

When I realize I have not said a word to him, I finally speak up. “Justin. Hi. I’m so happy you’re here.”

“Me, too,” he says, standing awkwardly close to the door with his bag still in his hand.

This is so strange.

I feel how strange I am being with him, but I don’t know how to fix it.

“Well, come here, let me give you a hug,” I tell him, walking forward to close the gap between us.

Justin drops his bag and takes me into his arms for a big, warm embrace.

I breathe in the scent of him and I swear I go dizzy in my head.

What ishappeningto me right now?

I am off of my axis with this man in my house, which makes zero sense because I have known him since before he hit puberty.

I should have the upper hand here.

But clearly, I do not.

We let go of each other.

“Make yourself comfortable,” I tell him. “I’m going to take the master down here, but you are welcome to whatever room you want upstairs.”

“Thanks,” he tells me, picking his bag up. He walks to the bottom of the staircase, looks back at me and says, “It’s really good to see you again.”

I feel myself falling apart inside.