I try with every ounce of my effort to not let it show.
“It’s good to see you too,” I say back to him.
Chapter Three
I may be imagining it, but I think that Beth just lost her words a bit there.
She definitely stared at my body for a beat longer than is appropriate for the mother of my best friend.
I need to cool down.
I take a deep breath and open my suitcase. I focus on taking out my clothes, one item at a time.
I’m turned on.
Just wrapping my arms around Beth, holding her close to my body again, but in a total brand new way, has set my body into action.
I want to touch her again.
Ineedto touch her again.
I don’t know how I am going to survive this week. I couldn’t even handle a moment with the woman.
My phone rings, saving me from myself.
“Hey man,” I say, seeing Paul’s name across my phone screen.
Paul sighs into the phone. “You’re not going to like this.”
I laugh. “How can you piss me off before you even get here?”
“How about because I won’t be getting there?” Paul says, letting his words linger between us for a minute.
I sigh. “What are you talking about?”
“I had to turn around just now and head home,” he tells me. “Work called. Apparently, there is a fire that only I can put out.”
I shake my head.
This is unbelievable.
For a guy who gave me a real guilt trip about working too hard, he sure was quick to ditch his own vacation the second work came calling.
“I thought I would be the one to ditch. You’re really proving me wrong,” I tell him.
“I know. Look, I feel like shit about it. I tried to call Mom, but I got her voicemail. Care to relay the message for me?” he asks.
My stomach sinks.
At the mention of his mom, I realize that I am not alone… on vacation… with the woman I have been in love with for practically my whole life.
And she is the one woman that I definitely should not have.
“Yeah, I should take off, too,” I tell him. “I’ll let your mom have some peace and quiet.”
“No way,” Paul vehemently objects. “You can’t ditch my mom, too. This trip is a big deal for her. She never spends any money on herself and she got this huge house all for us. No. You’re staying. Promise me.”