He’s also wearing these black military boots.

So, yeah, not exactly the youth group type.

He tells us about how he works with guys who gets out of prison. He tells us that they’re just people looking for a break. He tells us he knows this because he was just like them.

It feels like the air goes out of the room when he says this.

He says that we’re too hard on people.

Too judgmental.

He says that he never believed in God until he saw this work firsthand. Watching people who were labeled as “bad” being looked at as people again.

He said that God loves everybody.




And that we need to love them, too.

And for some reason, this guy gets to me.

I mean, not in the whole God-way.

But seeing him stand up there and talk about second chances and loving everybody, I start to believe him.

I watch all of these holy rollers look at this guy who used to be in prison and see him as somebody who is good.

And, maybe, I could be seen as good, too.

Maybe I don’t have to be the guy whose hated by all of his ex-girlfriends.

Maybe I don’t have to cut things off just because I’m scared how they will end.

Maybe I won’t break Faith.

Maybe she can teach me how to be better.

Or at least human again.

I’m willing to try.

Chapter Six


We have an hour of quiet time this afternoon where we are asked to reflect.

On our lives.

Our relationship with God.

Our path forward.

I find a spot on this pier that overlooks a pond. It’s quiet except for the frogs.