Page 95 of Game Plan

C Ya:Only safety glasses.

Travis:Interesting. I’m picturing you as a sexy construction worker of some kind.

He’d never have guessed the truth, that she wore them while drilling tiny pilot holes through stones and other doodads for the jewelry making that satisfied her creative bent. But a female construction worker, really?

C Ya:Close. At the club where I strip, my most popular routine involves a costume of safety glasses, a tool belt and not much else.

She hit send on the enormous lie and giggled.

Travis:Nice. Work boots or high heels?

C Ya:Work boots, for authenticity. But with hot-pink, sparkly laces.

Travis:I’d pay to see that.

Not a bad idea. Calli had the usual fare in the accessories area of her store—French-maid outfits, nurse costumes, bunny ears with matching fuzzy tails—but this construction babe thing might grow wings and fly. If she couldn’t find a kit in one of her wholesaler’s catalogs, she’d take a daytime outing to Home Depot and make one herself. Too bad she didn’t have a real man to test it on.

Even virtually, outright lying gave her a pang. She’d learned early on that her face gave everything away. Apparently her tendency toward full disclosure carried over to anonymous online conversations. Wordy she might be, worldly she was not. So she typed the truth and banged the Enter key.

C Ya:Truth time. I’m not an exotic dancer.

Travis:So I’ll put my five-dollar bill away, but I’d still like to see your costume.

This was nothing more than fantasy talk from a faceless stranger. So why was her pulse jumping? Because she hadn’t been treated to this much flirtation since the ninth grade, when her fully developed thirty-six C cups earned her extra attention for a while, that’s why.

This was much more fun.

She hurried to type a comeback.

C Ya:For all you know, I might be the most hideous woman in the world, with three arms and a giant, hairy mole.

His reply appeared even quicker.

Travis:The extra arm could have its advantages, so I guess it all depends where that mole is. Do tell.

Her laughter was startling against the silence of her apartment, making Charming jump off the couch, a totally disgruntled expression on his furry face.

C Ya:Are you as cute as you are funny?

Travis:Not really. Still want me to virtually kiss you?

Huh. He could’ve said yes, she’d never know the truth. Yet he hadn’t. Now that was sexy. She sent her answer.

C Ya:I’m waiting.

His message took longer to pop up than the previous ones—totally worth the wait.

Travis:Your hair feels like silk around my fingers. I could touch it for hours. The back of your neck fits perfectly in my hand. You’re soft and warm…your pulse is pounding faster than before.

Calli’s hand moved to her throat. He was right, it was hammering like crazy.

Another message appeared on his side of the window.

Travis:And now you’re blushing.

Her cheeks were on fire—he was right about that too.

C Ya:Everything makes me blush, it’s a curse.