Page 96 of Game Plan

Travis:No way. Blushing makes you irresistible. And that shy smile. Such pretty lips. Soft too. Sweet. Your mouth is smooth and warm. Delicious, like fruit.

Calli’s head fell back as she closed her eyes, letting the fantasy wash over her. She touched her lips. They parted slightly, as if the tips of her fingers were his lips, his tongue. It’d been so long since she’d had a real kiss. Even a sloppy one would be better than nothing at this point.

The computer beeped her back to reality.

Travis:It’s your move.

Oh God, he was expecting her to reciprocate. This was bad. Very, very bad.

C Ya:Give me a minute to think of something… Sorry, I’m a cyber-virgin.

She slapped both palms over her face. God, how lame was that?

Another ping from the computer and she peeked out between her fingers to read Travis’s message.

Travis:I meant it’s your move in the game, as in Scrabble. But thanks for sharing. It’s an honor to be your cyber-first.

She groaned.

C Ya:You must be laughing your ass off over there.

Travis:No, but I am smiling. You’re fun. Funny too, in a good way.

Well, that made another first. Responsible, mature, shrewd and dependable—those she was used to hearing—never fun or funny.

C Ya:So are you. Now sit back and get ready for it, because I’m going to rock your world…with my next word.

Their playful banter ended while they played a series of rapid-fire moves. He was a wicked opponent, demolishing any hope she had of catching him.

C Ya:A gentleman would ease up and give a girl a chance.

Travis:Who said I was a gentleman? I prefer to dominate.

She snorted.

C Ya:Ballsy guy. I have no intention of resigning.

Travis:Good, I don’t want you to quit. Now submitting, that’s another story altogether.

A shiver rippled through her at the implications.

C Ya:Surely you don’t expect me to refer to you as Scrabble Master T.

Travis:Drop the Scrabble and the T.

C Ya:So I should call you Master?

Travis:That works for me.

“Works for me too,” she said to the screen. Limited as her sexual experiences were, Calli knew one thing without a doubt—she wanted a man who would take charge behind closed doors. An experienced, confident man who would drive her wild with his carnal skills, introduce her to pleasures she’d only dreamed about. Too bad that kind of man would never want her.

C Ya:What do you really look like, Master?

She hit send, sat back and waited for the rock star description to roll in.

Travis:Short brown hair, hazel eyes. Giant, hairy mole on my stomach and a third arm growing out of my side.

Calli laughed out loud. Travis’s answer was perfect.