Page 94 of Game Plan

In reality, she was nothing but a nice girl. But this wasn’t reality.

C Ya:You’re right. Lay one on me…

What she expected to see was some silly emoticon with big lips that would make her cringe. She braced for it, ready to end their chat at the first sign of a circular, yellow face.

Travis:Not so fast. Before I kiss you, I need to know a couple of things.

Not what she was expecting, but it wasn’t a smiley, thank god.

C Ya:Don’t worry, I’m clean. No viruses here. Your hard drive is safe.

Travis:Very witty. I like smart women.

C Ya:Even if they’re trolls?

His answer to that one ought to be interesting. Anything other than anowas a load of bull.

Travis:I bet you’re not.

Ha, he managed to worm his way around that question quite nicely. Putting herself down was so automatic, she almost started typing a list of her flaws. But this was virtually anonymous. Travis didn’t know she was a fearful, shy, pasty-faced wallflower. Online, she could be anything she wanted to be, all of the things she dreamed of being. Her true, inner self. No one would ever know.

Yep, she was going with that.

C Ya:Good save. So, what do you want to know?

Travis:Whatever you’re willing to tell. Start with your name. Does C Ya stand for something?

She tapped her fingers next to the mouse. Asking about her user name, huh? Telling him her actual name was risky—for more than the obvious safety reasons. Anything that could lead him to discovering the real, incredibly boring Calli Yates was out of the question.

Didn’t mean she couldn’t answer his question.

C Ya:Yes, it stands for something.

Travis:Funny girl. So literal.

She smirked at the screen.

C Ya:What did you expect? I’m a word nerd.

Travis:My favorite. Nerd girls are hot.

Travis’s message popped up quickly, as the others had. He must have quick fingers…that could come in handy.

Lord, she really was desperate, fantasizing about a faceless man’s fingers. She flicked herself in the forehead and typed a message.

C Ya:My thighs are hot…from the laptop. Does that count?

Travis:Definitely. What else are you going to tell me, my hot-thighed, nerdy girl?

The possession in his question made her shiver. Even when she’d had boyfriends—fleetingly—they’d never done anything to claim her for their own. Not one time. She’d been too insignificant. Travis had made her feel better in this stint online than any live, in-the-flesh man had ever done. Pretty pathetic.

So for Travis, she’d pretend to be hot. Even if went against her nature and the truth.

C Ya:I have very long, dark-brown hair. Fair skin and blue eyes.

Travis:Do you wear glasses?

Because all nerds wore glasses, is that what he thought? She tsked at the screen while hitting Enter on her answer.