Page 43 of Game Plan

“You are so not sorry.”

“You’re right, I lied.”

No, what Mason was doing amounted to teasing. What she was doing was lying. And it tasted terrible.

“You should go. Do fun things. Be with fun people.” She put a shoulder to his chest, but he didn’t budge. He only smiled.

* * *


Mason checked his watch while the movie credits rolled up the screen.

“Yes, you’ve done your time, and then some. You’re free to go.” Big blue eyes blinked up at him from Andie’s resting place on his chest.

“Not happening. It’s ten-thirty, you want to watch another?”

“After I totally tortured you with that chick flick? It had no nudity, no sex, no humor, nothing got blown up and I soaked your shirt twice.”

“Exactly. I figure we have nowhere to go but up after that disaster.” He’d seen a lot of movies, and that was definitely the worst. The crying parts weren’t bad, actually, because she’d snuggled tight to his chest when the tears started.

“Itwaspretty awful. I can’t believe you stayed to watch it.”

“You had me pinned.”

“This from the guy who’s tossed me over his shoulder like a caveman how many times?”

“Not enough. I like going Neanderthal with you. I like having that fine ass by my face.” The shitty movie had kept him in check. This line of conversation, not so much. That’s all it took. Fifteen seconds of thinking about Andie squirming and he was getting hard.

Her eyes widened. Yeah, she felt the bulge growing under her stomach.

“It’ll go away.” He nudged her—with his groin. Stupid mistake, his cock mistook the action for thrusting. “Throw in another of those movie recommendations you found on the back of a tampon box and it’ll be gone in seconds.”

“Ha ha.” She rolled off him, padded to the TV and leaned over to grab the movie binder from the floor. The stretchy pants she’d changed into hugged her ass perfectly.

“That view—not helping matters.”

She peeked back at him, all smiley as she wiggled it. “I have both of theCrankmovies. Or300. Want to watch one of those?”

“Hell no.”

“Why not, they’re totally guy movies.” She pulled a disc from its sleeve and tapped her finger on the metal. “It says here, rated MT, maximum testosterone.”

Yeah, that’s exactly what he didn’t need on a night when touching Andie—really touching her—was off-limits. “Give me another option.”

She covered a yawn with the back of her hand. “I think I’m done. I’m going to put on my comfy jammies and catch up on some sleep. Somebody’s been keeping me up past my bedtime lately.”

“A solid eight does sound good.”

“Come on, I’ll walk you out.”

He took the hand she offered, but didn’t get up, pulling her on top of him instead. “I could stay. We could…cuddle.”

“Voluntary cuddling, without sex first? Isn’t that a major violation of the guy code?”

“I have my own code.”