Page 44 of Game Plan

“I’m starting to realize that.” That, and Katie was right Mason had passed the sex test with ease, proving he had more than his dick invested in their relationship. Not fling, relationship.

She was in arelationshipwith Mason. Scary how much she liked the sound of that. She hadn’t meant for it to happen and it surely wouldn’t last. Right now, though, it gave her a tingle inside as well as out.

“Okay.” She rose from the couch and dove in to uncharted waters—for her, anyway. “Let’s go to bed.”

Upstairs, nerves swirled in her stomach while she worked through a slightly amended bedtime routine. She skipped the heavy moisturizer and put on a hint of fresh eyeliner and mascara. A little bit of vanity, but not enough to clog the pores. Next came the body-hugging, sheer black camisole and panty set. A touch of pale-pink lip gloss. Hopefully when she admitted to fibbing, he’d be distracted enough not to be angry. Much.

Or maybe he’d have fallen asleep already. She peeked out from the en suite. No, definitely not sleeping. He was propped up against the headboard, bare-chested, one knee raised with the white sheet covering only his most intimate parts. No sports highlights spewing from the TV…he was reading. He was the finest poster boy for literacy she’d ever seen. Oh god, he had the novel from her bedside table in his hand. And she’d put it aside at a good part—a really good part.

“Enjoying the book?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty hot. I should read more often.” A quick glance in her direction and the book slapped shut. “When you said comfy pajamas, I was picturing a lot more material.”

She crawled up the bed, pushed his leg flat and straddled him above the sheet.

His gaze roved over her body. “And less temptation.”

“This is actually very comfortable.” She ran her hands over the skimpy top, spending extra time and attention on the fabric covering her nipples. “You should feel how soft it is.”

“No, I really shouldn’t,” he said, groaning when she scooped up his hands and cupped his palms over her breasts. “Babe, you have great tits.”

“Thanks, they like you too.” She leaned forward. “They like it when you suck them…even more when you bite them.”

“What about your period?”

“Tip about the female anatomy—we don’t menstruate from our boobs.”

“Thanks, I’ll make a note of that in my health binder,” he said before catching one lace-covered nipple between his lips, then his teeth.

The pressure sent a spike of need straight between her legs. “Now I really want to come.”

“I respect you, and I’d like to think my self-control is above average, but you’re pushing it close to the limit.”

“Then I’ll push a little more. Just because we’re not going to fuck doesn’t mean we can’t get off.” She ground down on the steel rod under the sheet. Back and forth, the friction causing a pre-orgasmic wave to bloom between her legs. “You’re so hard and feel so good, I’m going to come like this, from rubbing on you.” She rocked harder, smiling when he cursed under his breath and began thrusting up to meet her. “Mmm, right there, god, I’m so close…”

“Fuck, babe. Me too.”

“Stop—I don’t want you to come on the sheets.”


“Well, they’re my best set and…” The tortured look on his face when she scrambled off him was priceless. A giggle slipped out, ruining her act. “I don’t care about the sheets, but I want you to come in my mouth.”

He let out a long breath. “I won’t turn that offer down.” He snagged her hip and pulled her back into place. “But you first. Use me. Rub your sweet clit against me. I want to watch you come.”

“Then you’ll have to look down while I’m sucking you, because I’m going to come while your cock is in my mouth.” She shimmied down, taking the sheet with her. Knowing he’d been naked and hard under there didn’t diminish his impressiveness. “I never get tired of looking at your pretty cock. Or devouring it. Now, be a good stud-muffin and open the lower nightstand drawer.”

“Feeling a little objectified here.” He laughed, then leaned out of the bed. “Holy shit, look at it all. I don’t even know what you’d do with some of this stuff.” He held up a sample. “Like these.”

“Vaginal balls, you—”

He held up a hand. “Stop. That just sounds…wrong.” He returned them, fished through the drawer and held up another item. When she didn’t answer, he rolled up onto the bed. Examined the toy’s shape, texture and…flexibility. “And this?”

“Come on, you know what it’s for.”

“No, but from the look on your face, I can’t wait to find out.”

She tried to snatch it away. He sat, stretching to dangle it several inches beyond her reach. Laughing. Smiling. Annoying the crap out of her by looking uber-hot while totally embarrassing her.