Page 42 of Game Plan

Damn Katie and her theory, her test. The words replayed in Andie’s head. She didn’t know who she wanted to be right, only that she wanted to know. This hadmistakewritten all over it.

“I can’t go any further tonight.”

“You’re really not feeling well?” He stepped back, now holding her waist gently while surveying her from head to toe. “What are your symptoms—do you want me to take you to the walk-in clinic?”

One point for Katie. Mason’s concern could be related to his doctoral instincts, though. She had to step up the stupid test she’d begun, let him know she didn’t need his help. Give him the green light to clear out. She hated to lose precious time with him. More than that, she hated lying.

“I’m not sick, it’s my—” An acidic burn inched its way up from her stomach. “I got my period, unexpectedly, meaning I’m out of commission for a few days. I’ll be good to go by Sunday. Maybe we can get together after that.”

“Of course we will.”

“All right, call me then.” She touched him one more time. Reluctantly, she let her arms drop to her sides.

“Did you give me a buddy pat?”

“I don’t know what that is.”

“Like this…” He gave her a firm yet easygoing slap on the shoulder. “Hey, buddy.”

“Mine wasn’t like that.” Too much. “I was just letting you know I don’t expect you to hang around while we can’t have fun. Seriously, you should go out with your friends for a few days—they’ve probably been missing you this week.”

“Babe, I don’t care that you have your period.”

Faking or not, she automatically scrunched her nose at that idea. “I guess we found a sex act we don’t agree on, because I’m not interested in period sex, period—pardon the pun.”

“I don’t have a problem with it, but I respect your decision.”

“Thank you.” Not that she’d ever had sex during her period. Scott would sooner have passed a giant kidney stone than do anythingdirty. Conversely, Mason based his sexual preferences on his experience with god-knew-how-many women. A more than mildly nauseating thought. She ducked out of his arms and opened the front door.

“Are we going somewhere?” he asked, not moving.

“You are.”

“Only if you’re sending me out for supplies.”

He had to be joking. “You’d go to the pharmacy and buy me tampons?”

“Actually, I’d go to the superstore. That way I could pick up snacks and a movie for us too. Unless you’d rather do something else tonight.”

“You don’t have to go to the store for me. I have everything I need in the house.”

“Then so do I.” He did a slow walk that looked like sex sliding across the floor. Closed the door. Locked it. Smiled down at her. “Do you allow kissing while you have your period?”


His head dipped toward hers. “Open-mouthed?”

“It is the best kind.”

“With tongue?” he asked, his lips almost touching hers.

Taste and smell collided as she took in faded mint mixed with his natural, yummy essence. “Maybe a little bit.”

“As in, only the tip?” He kissed her softly, slipping said tip between the seam of her lips.

“Oh god, you’re killing me.” So was this stupid, pointless test.

“Sorry.” He kissed her again. Longer, with more than the tip.