Page 33 of Game Plan

He found her hand and laced their fingers together. Because he had the feeling she might bolt when he opened his mouth. “Thirty.”

* * *


After half an hour of smiling at the end of Mason’s arm, Andie excused herself to the washroom. Mason showed her into the house. Stood there while she closed the door—in his face. A juvenile action, yes, but one he totally deserved. Surely he wouldn’t hang around waiting for her to come out.

She gave it ten full minutes before peeking out the door. All clear. Thank god. Her purse didn’t hold much, but it had her cell and wallet. All she needed for a taxi home. Her tote bag with extra clothes and other items was on a chair out back. Forget them. Just let her get the hell out of here.

“You could’ve asked me to take you home.”

Andie froze on the front path when Mason stepped out from the carport. Dammit. “Okay. Could you please take me home?”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “Nah.”

“Gee, that’s helpful.” If he could do the crossed-arms thing, so could she.

“Sneaking away is pretty immature.”

“I guess you’re an expert on maturity now that you’rethirty.”

“I didn’t tell you because I don’t care about the numbers.”

“You didn’t tell me because you knew thatIdid.” Hold on, did he…oh, big mistake on his part. “You didnotjust roll your eyes at me.”

“This age crap is pissing me off.”

“Finally, you’re getting it.” Anditreally sucked.

He motioned to the truck. “Get in, I’ll drive you.”

She settled in the passenger seat and faced the side window, eyes closed. Safer that way. God, she was behaving like a pathetic teenager, heartbroken over losing her crush of the week. She wouldn’t let him see this ridiculous, sappy side of her. No way. Even if it was her last chance to look at him. If she’d kept things private, he’d be hers for another two weeks. Stupid move, meeting his family.

What was she thinking—that she and Mason had an actual relationship, or the start of one? They had an incredible physical connection. Pheromones, not emotions. She’d get over it. Nothing a few mopey days, lots of wine and a new vibrator couldn’t fix.

That was a load of shit and she knew it.

Mason cursed under his breath. The truck lurched when he gunned it to pass a slow driver. She opened for a peek. What the hell were they doing on County Road Four?

“Hey…” She swiveled to face him. “This isn’t the way to my house.” Not by a long shot. Mason’s route took them north, out of town, not toward her snooty, east-side subdivision.

“I said I’d drive you, not that I’d take you home.”

“So you’re abducting me?”

The man had the nerve to look cocky. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

“Why—so we can do some more pointless arguing?”

“The way I see it, we can’t have a rational conversation about this age bullshit until you’re more relaxed.”

“And since old ladies enjoy a drive in the country, this ought to calm me down?” Her irritation didn’t stand a chance against his smile. And he knew it, because he flashed her his best one, the jerk. She sighed and leaned back in her seat.

“I don’t know about the drive, but the rest of my plan will definitely put you in a better frame of mind.” He turned off the paved road onto a bumpy gravel one. A hundred meters later he pulled into the weedy driveway of a burned-out barn, where he parked behind a monstrous stack of barn boards. “It starts with me getting you naked in the back of my truck.” Two clicks later he’d unbuckled their seatbelts. “Then I’m gonna settle in between your thighs. Lick you up and down. Slide my fingers inside and suck your clit until you come against my face. I figure that’ll make you more agreeable.”

“That’s not the worst plan I’ve ever heard.” Need coiled low in her abdomen, spreading lower at the sound of his sexy laugh.

He did dirty talk very, very well. Right now, she didn’t care about the reason behind it—she just wanted the follow-through. Mason’s face between her legs, his hands on her body. One more time, if nothing else.