He snorted. “That’s bullshit.”
“I assume that spectacular counterpoint comes from your vast experience dating women in the forty-plus bracket?”
So the lady wanted to do a little fishing, did she? No problem. “You’re not plus and you don’t look more than thirty-five, tops. And for the record, you’re my first.” If things continued to go well, maybe his last. Of any age bracket.
“Oh god, your family and friends are going to hate me for that reason alone.”
“They’re going to be crazy about you. Like I am.” At a red light he leaned in for a kiss that lasted until honking behind him forced it to end. “So maybe they won’t like youquiteas much as I do.”
She laughed as he shifted his erection. Women had no idea how lucky they were. Since his discomfort clearly amused her, he didn’t mind. Seeing her relaxed and happy on the seat beside him felt nice. Natural.
“Did your son get to pitch last night?” He’d asked her to come watchhisgame and been denied. The boy took priority. As he should.
“The coach put him in for three innings. He walked two batters, struck out three and hit one. Only gave up three runs.”
Pride in her kid gave her a different kind of blush. Maybe that’s what people meant when they said women had a maternal glow. Whatever, it worked for her. And for him.
“And now he’s off at the cottage with his dad?”
“For two weeks.”
How many times and ways could he fuck her in fourteen days? Easy answer on that one—as many as she let him.
Parking had been restricted on his parents’ street. Standard long-weekend pain-in-the-ass stuff. He circled the block once, found nothing, then drove over the curb onto their front lawn. Fast enough to burn tracks into the grass. Mom would have a fit when she saw them, but the jerky maneuver made Andie yelp and grab his leg, so he’d deal with the fallout.
He hopped out of the truck and around to her door before she beat him to the job. “Ready to party with the Lang clan?”
She slipped her hand into his open palm. “Not really.”
“Me either.” He pulled her from the truck into his arms. “If it gets awful, think about what I’m going to do to you later.”
“My imagination sucks, give me a clue.”
“Babe, your lying sucks.” He grabbed their bags from the backseat. Wrapped his arm around her shoulders and started toward the backyard. “All right, here’s one thing I’ve been thinking about all week. You, naked on your stomach, hands stretched above your head while I do a dot-to-dot using your freckles and my tongue. I’m gonna start with the one under your left ear.”
“Where’s the last dot?”
The squeaky gate drew attention. At least half a dozen pairs of eyes zoned in on their next move. He smiled at their audience. Lowered his head to whisper in her ear, “Are you aware of the little mole you have down low in the crack of your ass?”
She turned her head to face him, wide-eyed. Yeah, she knew exactly where he planned to put his tongue. He couldn’t hold back the smile that gave him.
He straightened as his parents steamrolled toward them. Let the crazy begin.
“Happy Birthday!” His mother’s shout ensured everyone on the block heard.
Andie glared up at him. “It’s yourbirthday?”
So maybe he should have told her. Too late now. “Just another day to me.”
“Not to your family.” His mom hugged and released him. She had that look, the weepy, sentimental one. “Especially this year.”
“Mom.” Trying to stop her at this point would be like trying to stop a train on the downward side of a mountain.
“It’s a special one.” She looked like a seal-act video posted on YouTube, the way she was clapping. “A milestone.”
Shit. After dancing around Andie’s questions about his exact age, the answer was about to bite him in the ass. And he’d thought bringing her today was a good idea why?
“So, Mr. Secret Birthday, how old are you?”