Before I could stop myself, I barked out a sad laugh.
“Listen, I realized a long time ago that Victoria loved my money and my moneyonly.She liked the idea of us at some point. But not enough to be a decent human. I shed my feelings for her the second I realized she’d only given birth as a way to secure her financial future.”
“I see.”
I hoped she really did and wasn’t just saying that.
“Why were you and Chris together?” I asked once some of the tension in the room had been alleviated.
When she finished telling me all about Chris’ pop-up visit, I sighed. It sounded like we’d both had some unwelcome surprises today.
“I’m going to amend my custody agreement with Victoria,” I shared, even though I didn’t have to. I wanted Gina to trust me.
“Really? Just because of today?”
“No, it’s been a long time coming. I’ve been very generous in the past and let her get away with too much. But if I keep that up, it’s going to send me to the madhouse.”
Gina chuckled softly and I could see visible signs of her finally relaxing. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding captive in my lungs.
“Sometimes I think maybe I should finally take Chris to court so that Mycah can have some structure, but I always end up talking myself out of it.”
“What do you mean?” I raised my brow.
“We only have a verbal agreement as of right now, but I’m starting to rethink that. Although I still have my hesitations.”
“You need protection. Use my lawyer.” It was unbelievable she’d made this far into her divorce without a custody arrangement in writing.
Gina’s eyes swelled in size. “I appreciate the offer, but I probably can’t afford the same lawyer as you, Maverick.”
“There wouldn’t be a charge, baby,” I clarified. “I just want you to be protected.”
Her face shifted at that.
“I don’t know. I’ve always hesitated because I didn’t trustthe system’sinvolvement in our arrangement. When Chris was good, he was great. But when he wasn't—which was most times — Mycah suffered. I am getting tired of making excuses for a grown man. Chris owes me nothing, but he owes our son everything.”
I could tell even the admission was unsettling for her. But I was adamant about her having the proper protection in place in case Victoria continued to rub off on her ex.
“Promise me you’ll think about it.”
“I will.”
We were in our usual spot—on the back deck with a glass of wine—since Penny had gone to bed when Maverick asked, “Is Chris’s visit the reason you didn’t bring Mycah with you today?”
“No. He and my mom had plans today. She’s already put him to bed by now,” she said, looking at her watch.
The two of them seemed to have worked quite an arrangement. That gave Gina a lot more breathing room as a single parent. I wished Penny had grandparents who were alive. And the thought of why my daughter was without them, always caused my heart to shatter. I quickly changed the nature of my thoughts and focused instead on the evening. Gina and I had eaten alone together, something that rarely happened.
“But I will admit it that it crossed my mind. I didn’t know what to believe before I showed up here. And finding you on the phone with Victoria drove the nail into the coffin.”
I winced. “I know. I’m sorry again about that.”
“How do you think Victoria will react to the new court papers?” Gina asked, tracing her fingers over the stubble present on my chin.
“It’s not something I can predict because she acts so unbothered on the surface, but who knows what she’s willing to do in front of a judge?”
“Do you think Chris will spur her on? Since she’s convinced him that you’re the one with anger issues?”