Page 32 of Finding Forever

The thought didn’t make me feel threatened, but it was a possibility. A strong one based on Chris’s meddling today. I needed to prepare myself for all forms of recourse.

“I don’t know what the future holds.” I paused and stared at her in the darkness. “But I am glad we have each other to figure it out.”

She smiled, and I felt like the luckiest man alive.

“You want to hear a funny story?” Gina asked after a few silent beats.

She went on to explain her run-in with the dental hygienist who clearly didn’t like her, and by the end of it, my sides were in stitches.

“I’m glad you think this is so funny,” she sputtered, barely holding back a laugh herself.

“Come on, baby. Even you prefaced it by asking if I wanted to hear a funny story.”

Gina thought about it before falling against my side again. “I guess you’re right.”

“Good, now kiss me.”

Her lips sought mine out and the pent-up emotions from the day came to the forefront as our tongues clashed in a passionate exchange. I felt myself growing aroused as her tongue wrapped around mine, pulling me further under her spell.

When I pulled away from the kiss and looked down at her, I knew that as crazy as our lives may be right now, I wouldn’t want to change a thing. Because if I changed something, maybe I wouldn’t be here with her right now. And there was no place I’d rather be.


Knocking woke me up earlier than I’d like on a Saturday morning. I pulled myself out of bed and winced at the incessant rhythm of the person’s fist against the door. This person wasn’t taking a break. I hoped their knuckles turned raw from interrupting my sleep.

“Who could possibly be rude enough to show up at nine a.m. and knock so obnoxiously?” I grumbled as I trudged to the front door.

I tightened the belt of my robe and paused when I reached the door. Gathering my bearings, I yanked the door open, ready to lay into whoever was on the other side.

“Dad?” I exclaimed. My mouth hung open at the sight of my father. I hadn’t seen my father since Christmas, and he rarely visited.

“Hey, baby girl!” His arms were outstretched, ready to swallow me up in one of his signature hugs.

I welcomed the embrace, but when I pulled back, I fixed him with a frown. “What are you doing here?”

My dad lived in another state. A state that was not exactly a short enough distance away for him to just be popping up. I was more than a little intrigued by his sudden appearance on my doorstep. Especially at this ungodly hour.

“Grandpa?” Mycah rushed to the door and straight into my father’s arms. They hadn’t seen each other since the holidays, so I knew my son was on cloud nine right now.

This momentarily distracted him from answering my question, but I wasn’t so easily deterred. My mother strode into the room.

“Daniel! I thought we were —” As if remembering where she was, my mother clumped her mouth shut and frowned. She clutched her collar and averted her eyes quickly.

What was that about?

“Hello to you too, Malina. I was passing through town and decided to drop by to see my favorite people before… my meeting later.” My father gave her a wary look and then turned to me. “How about I take my first child and favorite grandson out to breakfast?” my father suggested boisterously. He slid my mother a sparing glance. “Malina, you’re welcome to join us, too.”

My mother sputtered a bit at first, but eventually agreed. “I’ll get Mycah ready since I’m already dressed.”

I took her up on her offer and shot my dad another searching look. He seemed oblivious to my mom’s weird behavior.

As I walked back to my room to get ready, my mind was abuzz with his real reason for his sudden appearance. I hadn’t seen them in the same room in years, and their weird glances led me to believe that something was going on. I’d do some gentle prying and get to the bottom of that later.

In the meantime, I wasn’t turning down a free meal.


“Go get your bag, sweetie.”