Page 33 of Finding Forever

We’d just walked back in the house after our unexpected breakfast date, and now I needed to get Mycah and me ready for our play date at Maverick’s home. It’d been well over a week since he and Penny got to hang out, thanks to the events of the past couple of weeks. So this play date was long overdue, and I was just as excited as Mycah.

Any excuse to be in Maverick’s presence was a good one. Each day that passed, I felt my feelings for Maverick growing stronger and deeper. It was no secret that I was already attached, but I hadn’t expected the intensity of these emotions. Everything in me wanted to trust that Maverick’s intentions were pure and that he wasn’t out to hurt me. However, I didn’t know if I was ready to risk getting hurt again. Not after the disastrous ending of my marriage with Chris.

Speaking of Chris, I haven’t heard much from him since he showed up in my driveway that day. He must have been otherwise occupied withwork.

Quickly, I changed clothes since we planned to be indoors all day. We had a massive movie marathon and bake-off planned for the kids. Again, I think my excitement surpassed theirs.

I gathered my tote bag and headed to the kitchen to get some items needed for the snacks we would make. When I made it to the entrance of the kitchen, I ran into my parents. They jolted apart when they noticed my presence and wouldn’t make eye contact with me or with each other.

What the heck was going on with them today? And why were they standing so close? And whispering to each other?

First, my father popped up out of the blue and took us to breakfast, where they sat as far away from each other as possible. And now the tension filling the air between them was making me uncomfortable. The more time that passed, the more I suspected something was going on.

I was more than happy that Mycah had the undivided attention of both of his grandparents all morning, but I still had questions.

All my life, I had been under the impression that my mother and father were just amicable. They were married for a blip in time before divorcing. While my mother had never remarried, my father was averymarried man. He’d completely moved on and created a new family with his second wife. Thankfully, we all got along fine.

Obviously, they had shared some sort of attraction to each other at one point in order to conceive me. But beyond that, I had never seen them act so fidgety around each other. It had my senses tingling.

Finally, my mother spoke. “I… uh... I’m going to head to work.”

A quick glance at the clock on the stove told me it was only eleven a.m., three hours before her shift started.

“Why the rush?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at her.

“You can never be too early,” she chirped, wringing her hands and already on her way down the hall.

“I’ll join you,” my dad said, hot on her heels.

I watched it all, puzzled beyond belief, but shrugged it off so I could focus on the fun day ahead of me.


“We win again!” Penny screamed after the outcome of what felt like our millionth round of Pictionary.

These kids were tiny, but apparently our tuition dollars had been going to good use based on their drawing skills. Maverick scooped Penny up in his arms as she was in the middle of a hilarious celebratory dance. Mycah watched from the sidelines, just as amused as I was.

“Alright, who’s ready for snacks and a movie?” I asked the room.

Since we’d arrived, we’d been playing nonstop. Indoor laser tag, board games, table tennis and a dance contest had allowed the time to pass quickly. Now I was thoroughly exhausted and very much looking forward to sitting in a dark cinema room with ample snacks and a huge selection of films to choose from.

“I want your popcorn, Mommy!” Mycah exclaimed.

During one of our many play dates in the past, Mycah had made the bold claim that I made the best popcorn in the world. Now Penny and Maverick were eager to try it.

“I’m still waiting to experience what’s so special about this popcorn,” Maverick stated, placing Penny back on her feet.

“Patience is a virtue, sweetheart.” I winked and left the room to get things prepared.

As I walked away, I heard, “Alright who can help me clean up this room before the popcorn is done?”

Smiling, I entered the kitchen and washed my hands. Leave it to Maverick to make cleaning up a game. Anything to get the kids to eagerly join in, I guess.

Every day I spent with him gave me an inside look into how his mind worked and I was loving it. His ability to think on the fly was just one of the many things I admired about him. Maverick was a man with a plan if I had ever met one. The way he included Mycah and me in his plans intensified the feelings I had for him.

Each passing day and each tender moment we shared lessened the feelings of doubt that plagued me about his intentions in relation to me.

More than anything, I just wanted to be sure I was making the right decision because I wouldn’t be the only one affected if this thing didn’t work out. Mycah wasn’t just attached to Penny. He was growing quite fond of Maverick too, and while I loved their growing bond, it worried me at the same time.