“Okay, let’s do this,” I said, as I began unpacking my bag of goodies.
I smiled contentedly as Maverick ate the last popped kernel in the massive bowl. We were all reclined in our theater seats and had been passing around my famous marshmallow popcorn for the last twenty minutes. Now it was gone. It hadn’t even made it through half of the movie. Triumph and glee took over me.
“Alright, so maybe the popcorn was a little good.” Maverick was whispering in my ear so as not to disturb the kids. They were seated a row in front of us, fully enthralled with the movie and their array of snacks.
“Just a little?” I whispered back, turning my head.
Because we were sitting side by side, my lips almost brushed his with the movement. Maverick looked unbothered by this development. He’d been caressing me and finding any reason to touch me all day. It was sweet, and each time sent a rush through my body. I loved the feel of his hands on me.
We fell into a comfortable silence as the movie played. With my head resting against his chest, I listened to his heartbeat. I felt totally safe and at home. I couldn’t help but think,maybe this could actually work!
Mycah and I had gotten home just in time to share a late dinner with my dad before he left for the airport. He’d rented a car for the day, so he drove himself and we stood on the porch waving goodbye as his car disappeared down the tree-lined street.
I was still reeling from his pop-up visit, but I am glad that I got to see him before our next scheduled gathering.
“Alright buddy, let’s get ready for your bath!”
Mycah raced off, and I looked on in amazement. After everything he’d done today, he still had the energy to run around. I couldn’t relate in the least bit. An hour later, Mycah was fast asleep in his room and I was going through my skincare routine when I heard a soft knock on the door. If the quiet hadn’t been so still, I might have missed it.
Who was at my door this late? And why were we getting so many unexpected visitors today? Was it something in the air?
Checking the peephole, I saw a slender feminine figure standing on the step and thought maybe my mother had forgotten her key. Unlikely, but anything was possible. I pulled open the door, prepared to go back to my room right away when my stepmother, Gloria, charged into my home.
“What the—”
“Daniel!” she shouted, calling out for my father, who was no longer here.
“Gloria, Mycah is asleep. I need you to keep it down.”
My stepmother met my gaze and the hurt I saw there was heavy. I sympathized with whatever she was going through, but at the same time, there had to be a better way to achieve her goal.
“What’s going on?” I asked softly, ushering her to the living room to have a seat on the plush sofa. I’d used my Christmas bonus to buy it and it was the best investment I’d made in a long time.
“I’m looking for your father,” the woman said in a shaky voice.
“He already left for the airport. More than two hours ago.” I stared at her, a funny feeling settling in my gut. “What are you doing in Winter Bay?”
It was strange seeing some people out of their normal context. While growing up, I’d always visited my father and his family in Virginia — it was my parents’ custody arrangement after their divorce — and the same had held up when I became an adult and had Mycah. We went to them out of convenience because there were five of them and only two of us. It just made sense. So, to see my dad and now Gloria sitting in my home, in her flustered state, was a little bizarre.
“I don’t believe he’s not here.” She sounded defeated. Sad. My heart ached for her, even though I still didn’t know what the heck was going on. “Is he hiding in one of the guest rooms?”
“Why would he be hiding? I didn’t even know it was you when I answered the door, so how would anyone know to hide? I promise you he’s left already and texted me right before he boarded the plane.”
To my dismay, my stepmother burst into tears right before my eyes. Her shoulders shook as she covered her face with her hands.
Unsure of what to do to comfort her, I placed a consoling around her shoulders and waited for the quiet crying to subside a bit.
“Are you ready to tell me what this is about?” I prompted softly.
“I think your father is cheating on me,” she blurted.
Shocked by this new information, I looked at her with wide eyes. “What? Are you sure?”
Gloria nodded wearily and sniveled.