As unlikely as a kidnapping might have been, now that Billie had said the words out loud, they were in my head. I took the next turn a little too fast and Billie squeaked, bracing themself on the door. The route kept recalculating as I whipped us through the city on the smaller roads. Each moment that passed without a reply from Nicky had my blood pressure rising.

Billie was glued to their screen, knuckles white as they held their phone. “How am I supposed to give her space when something like this happens? We should have let me cling!”

“We don’t know what’s happened,” I said, trying to assure them. I couldn’t say that maybe it was a mistake or maybe Nicky was just busy when the radio silence was accompanied by an SOS and directions.

“Turn right up here,” Billie demanded, arm extended, pointing down a narrow alleyway that let us bypass the next set of lights.

Their legs bounced, pouring out nervous energy. I kept all of mine focused on the road. Sweat prickled at my temples. My alpha instincts were beingunreasonable. They screamed at me to find Nicky and neutralize whatever threat there was. She wasn’tmine. No matter how loud my instincts were to the contrary.

It took all my self control to not step on the gas. Getting pulled over would only waste precious time. Another road down. More moments of Nicky in some unknown danger with us still too far away to help. I took a deep breath, trying to stay as calm as possible. Billie was ready to go feral in the seat next to me, and I needed to manage the situation when we arrived. My beta was small, but if they got riled they could do some damage. Without knowing the details, I had to assume that a feral Billie would be unhelpful for Nicky’s safety.

I reached over and slid my hand into Billie’s hair, getting enough of a grip to get their attention. “We don’t know what situation we’re arriving in. Stay back and let me lead.”

“We both know I can’t do that.” Billie squirmed.

I took my hand back to manage another turn, this one bringing us onto the same street as Nicky’s pinned location. I pushed our speed.

“You can, and you will. Don’t put yourself in danger,” I ordered.

I slowed in front of a navy and white house. Billie was out of the van before I’d even stopped, racing up the walkway and throwing themselves at the door in a series of rapidfire knocks.

“Shit.” I threw the van into park and wrenched up the emergency brake, chasing after Billie. The door swung open again as I approached. One look at the tears rimming Nicky's eyes and panic clear on her face activated every alpha instinct I had.


I planted my palm on the door and shoved it all the way open, the two betas inside stumbling back.

“Get the fuck out of my house,” Alphonse snapped.

“Gladly,” hissed Billie. “As long as Nicky comes with us.”

I pulled Billie behind me.

Alphonse wrapped a hand around Nicky’s wrist, and I locked my hand around his with a growl. “You’d better take your hands off of her before my fist meets your face.”

Nicky’s eyes widened, and she strained against Alphone’s grip to get to me. I squeezed hard, forcing Alphonse to wince and let her go.

He glared at me, his slicked back hair askew, frown marring his face. “This is none of your business. Get off my property.”

“Nickyismy business.”

Alphonse moved to grab her again, and I shoved myself bodily between them. He took a step back. I wasn’t overly tall, and the two of us came eye to eye. If it came to a fight, I was reasonably certain I would win with Hana’s training, but I wouldn’t come out of it unscathed.

“Fine,” he snapped again. “Get out. I shouldn’t waste my time on an unappreciative cunt anyway.”

That spurred my growl once more. “You talk about her like that again, and you’ll be missing teeth.”

Billie looped an arm around Nicky's waist and pulled her further outside.

She reached out helplessly. “My shoes.”

“Back up,” I ordered him.

“Like fucking hell. You can take her out, but you’re not getting in here. This ismyhome. Fuck off.”

Alphonse slammed his front door, and I heard the snick of the deadbolt locking.

I scooped Nicky up so she didn’t have to traverse the ground barefoot with construction materials littering the area.