“Cool,” I said, not wanting to piss him off.
He got the show rolling and inched over so our legs were touching, swinging his arm across the back of the couch. I held my breath, my skin crawling.
“I’m a little sweaty. Would you mind scooting over?” I asked.
He smirked.“I know a hint when I hear one.” His other hand swung around to cup my cheek and dread turned so forcefully in my stomach I almost threw up on him. I shoved him and skittered away.
“I think you’ve got the wrong idea.”
“Oh,I’vegot the wrong idea? You came over tomyhouse, Nicky. What other idea should I have? You don’t even want to try to make up for all the bullshit you put me through?”
“Youmade mecome over to your house. I wanted to go to a restaurant. Actually, scratch that, I didn’t want any date at all, but you guilt tripped me.”
His eyes narrowed, jaw tight. “I really don’t appreciate you making me the bad guy here. It's not like you put up any kind of fight.”
The second he started to get to his feet, I bolted, grabbing my purse off the floor next to my chair in the kitchen. I flipped the deadbolt and wrenched open the door only to have it slammed in my face.
“Nicky, what the fuck are you doing? Why are you acting like you’re afraid of me?”
I didn’t answer.
My breathing had shifted to little panicked gasps.
I just wanted to get out.
“Please let me leave.”
“You’re being ridiculous,” he snapped. “Go sit down.”
“Getinthecar!”Billie burst through my door and I bolted awake.
“Up! We have to go.”
“Billie, what’s happening?” I climbed out of bed and hastily threw on the nearest clothes at hand.
“I don’tknow,but Nicky needs us.”
That was all the information I needed.
We flew down the stairs and into our van.
“Give me a little info?” I asked, as we pulled out of the garage and zipped out of our gated community.
Billie was practically vibrating in their seat. “She stopped responding to my messages, sent me a location pin and an SOS message.”
My beta plugged in their phone and got the directions for me. We weren’t too far away in terms of distance, but it was rush hour, and the main roads were at a stand still. I iron-gripped the steering wheel and wove us through residential streets. Even with the slower speed and longer route, it would be faster than waiting in grid-lock.
“What do you think is going on?” I asked.
Billie tapped out another message. “I have no idea. I just want her to reply. What if she got kidnapped or something?”