“It's snuggle time!” Billie hopped up into the giant nest and patted the spot next to them for me. I crawled over to join them and Tony sat on their other side, with Gabe on the other side of him. It was becoming increasingly difficult to not focus on the fact that I was in what was basically a bed with three unfairly hot people, one of which I had already slept with, and another that I had definitely thought about while masturbating. Fate was either very cruel or laughing her ass off.

Billie nestled against my side, fingertips inching under my shirt to rest on my bare skin. The nest was probably the most comfortable thing I had ever laid in. Tony pushed some buttons on the remote, and the projector screen descended, lighting up with a rom-com from the early 2000s that would’ve made me nostalgic under other circumstances, but I was far too distracted by the people around me. Another button push had the curtains closing, plunging us into darkness.

I squeezed my thighs together and shivered as Billie traced patterns on my skin. This was unfair. I wasn’t even twenty-four hours out from Billie absolutely annihilating me, and now they were touching me again. Sweat prickled on my skin, and my nipples poked against my bra.

Tony’s arm stretched across the back of the nest, his fingertips dangling so that they brushed the top of my shoulder. The touch was so light that any other time I probably wouldn’t have noticed, but I was way too primed, and goosebumps sprouted all the way down my arm. The darkness only let my imagination run rampant. It was way,waytoo easy to imagine sliding down and letting the whole lot of them descend upon me.

Billie looked up at me, inching closer until their mouth was at my ear. “Your heart's beating really fast, Books. You okay?”

Saying yes would technically be a lie, but I also didn’t want to draw further attention to myself, so instead I nodded. “Yep.”

Billie licked along the shell of my ear, and an embarrassing moan snuck out. I tensed and held still, not even daring to breathe, experiencing the turn of Tony and Gabe's heads towards me in slow motion.

Oh, fuck.

“Billie you shouldn’t tease your guest,” Tony admonished.

Billie huffed and slumped back to their original position. Tony set his fingertips more firmly against my skin, and I tensed again, a gasp sneaking out.

Get it together, girl.

I could feel all of their gazes, which did absolutely nothing to temper my bodily response. Hot people need to stop looking at me right now, or I was going to start getting squirmy.

Billie inched back up. “Want me to take you up to my bedroom?” they whispered.

That would almost bemoreembarrassing. There would be zero hiding the reason why we’d retreated barely a third into a movie.

The temptation was there.

Even their gentle innocent touches were able to set me on fire. Gabe watched me with interest.

I sucked in a breath and held it, the subtle flavours of their combined alpha scents—coffee, caramel, tea, and brown sugar—lingering on my tongue. If I opened my mouth right now to answer Billie, I wasn’t sure what would come out. Part of me wished that I’d had a partner in the past that had elicited this type of response so that I would’ve had a little bit of background to deal with it now. Instead, everything was brand new and bordering on intoxicating.

I shook my head slowly, as if that might somehow make it imperceptible to the alphas watching me.

Billie pouted. “Okay, let me know if you change your mind.”

They nestled in again, this time resting their head into the curve of my neck where I could feel their hot breath straight through my shirt.


That's exactly what I was right now.



Everywiggle,everyshiftto get more comfortable, every breath made me keenly aware that the person who had basically given me a carnal revelation was plastered against me, and that the other two in proximity had absolutely been in the same position with them. Maybe they had even been the ones to teach Billie.

I squeezed my hand, digging into the blankets beneath me, and let my fingertips trail along Billie's arm.

Was I sliding down an extremely slippery slope? Yes.

Was I going to hop off this couch, take my cat home, and save myself some colossal embarrassment? Nope.

Billie squirmed against me, pressing their hips tightly against my leg. I let my touches linger. I traced up their arm and over their throat, tucking their hair aside, to run my knuckles on the underside of their jaw. Their fingers kneaded against my skin, inching down my waist to my thigh. Billie rearranged themselves to tuck their face against my skin. Hot breath puffed against me. Billie let out a whine, and it was as if the air in the room itself froze.

Tony paused the movie and hit another button that turned on a single light, just enough to properly illuminate our expressions.