“I have no issue with the two of you playing, but if you don’t want us to join then you should take it up to a bedroom.”

I stared at him helplessly, my heart pounding like the entire drum section of a parade.

Tony quirked his head and slipped his hand beneath my hair to hold the back of my neck, as he had done several times already today. “Unless…that's something you were interested in?”

My tongue sat like a lead weight in my mouth. How was I supposed to answer that? Fantasy and reality were crashing against one another. Fantasy Nicky was shouting‘yes fucking please!’in my head, while Reality Nicky felt like a baby deer about to be eaten by the entire wolf pack.

“Nicky, I’m happy to give you anything you want,” said Tony, “but not if you don’t use words to tell me what that is.”

My heartbeat was one big pulse through my body.

Fantasy Nicky was doing her damndest to throw Reality Nicky under the bus to claim victory. Would it really be so bad if I went for it?

They were allsopretty, and they were looking at me like they wanted to devour me. None of my old boyfriends had had that fire in their eyes when they looked at me.

“I’m not very good at the words part,” I finally whispered.

Billie grinned up at me and squeezed me tightly around the waist. “The fact that it's not an outright no is making several fantasies come true right now.”

“Billie don’t pressure her.” It was the first time Gabe had spoken in a while, and his voice had my clit pulsing.

Goddamn these alphas and their velvety voices.

“I’m nottryingto pressure,” Billie defended.

“I, um, I’ve never done anything with more than one person…at the same time, I mean.”

Gabe and Tony's gazes sizzled.Iwas making them look like that.

“Have you used the sexy stoplights?” Billie asked.

I shook my head.

“It's helpful for people when words are hard, which is a lot of the time for me when these things get going. Green means that you’re okay with what's happening and want more, yellow means that we should pause and either talk about what's happening or change what we’re doing, and red is a full stop that initiates immediate aftercare.”

“Sounds reasonable,” I squeaked out.

“Okay,” said Billie, “so if I wanted to kiss you right now, what colour would that be?”

My whole body tingled. “Green,” I whispered.

Billie sat up and moved with a kind of sultry energy that I would probably never be able to embody, sitting directly in my lap. “You can say the colours whenever, and we’re all going to respect wait, stop, or anything else that indicates you need a break.”

At my nod, Billie braced both hands on the couch behind me and dove in. The sweep of their mouth against mine was like a shot of whiskey that burned all the way down. Knowing that I was being watched ramped up every sensation. I clung to Billie's hips and shivered. Billie pulled away only to push aside my hair and fasten their lips to my throat. I turned to accommodate and found Tony right there.

His thumb traced over my cheek. “Colour?”

“Green,” I said breathlessly.

Tony was a whole new type of intoxicant as he kissed me for the first time, his fingers curling in my hair, the steady warmth of his mouth dragging me under. I thought I was doomed with Billie, but now I was doubly fucked. Metaphorically…but I had hopes for it being literally, too. The sweet caramel notes of his scent saturated every inhale. My pussy throbbed, the fantasy of the two of them fuelling this delicious reality. I moaned against his mouth.

A tentative hand rested on my ankle and I pulled away from Tony.

Gabe was watching me. “Do you want me to leave?”

I shook my head.

“Do you want me to participate?”