All of my neighbours had probably heard me. Another problem for a future Nicky. I scribbled a reply that I was fine, pulled on a robe, and shoved it under her door, retreating hastily back into my apartment.
I gave Spud his extra meal and trotted back to the bedroom where Billie was stretched out luxuriously in my bed.
“I’m sorry I fell asleep before giving you your turn,” I said.
“No harm, no foul. I certainly wasn’t expecting anything after that. If you’re not up to it I know several people at home who will be happy to rail me.”
An image of Billie sandwiched between Tony and Jasper filled my head.
“Whatcha thinking about that put that gorgeous blush in your face?”
“Absolutely nothing inappropriate.”
“Of course not. You’re a perfect lady.” Billie patted the bed next to them. “Join me. I’m getting lonely.”
I dropped the robe, and climbed up. Billie opened their arms to me and I let myself get lost in them, memorizing their taste and texture as my fingertips wandered down their stomach. Their thighs parted easily at my approach and they licked into my mouth with an eager moan.
I only had experience with myself for this part, but maybe that was enough. They were slippery under my touch, and my fingers dipped inside their body, sliding back over their clit. I had no idea how to replicate what they had done to me, so I stuck with what I knew—plunging fingers, teasing strokes, focused attention on their clit—until their sounds shifted and their hips rocked frantically. I ate up every whimper and sigh, using it to fuel me even when my forearm started to burn, determined to give Billie even a fraction of what they had given me.
The reward of them bucking against my hand while crying out against my skin was everything I wanted. Billie caught my hand when I went to reach for the towel to tidy my hand and dipped my two middle fingers into their mouth, tongue curling around each digit. I gasped, my clit pulsing in response.
Billie pulled my hand free and grinned at me. “Snuggle with me?”
Like I would say no.
I gathered them into my arms and curled against their back. “We can sleep for a few more hours. Spud always settles down after his first breakfast.”
Billie cuddled in. “Sounds perfect. How’re you feeling, Books? I didn’t go too fast for you?”
“You went exactly as fast as I asked you to.” I kissed their shoulder. “I…didn’t know it could be like this.”
“How so?” Billie wiggled around in my arms until they were facing me.
I traced soft circles on their back to anchor myself. “Just having someone so focused on making me feel comfortable, and wanting me to feel good. I’m not used to it.”
Billie gave me a deep, drugging kiss, the subtle scent of mint and matcha filling my nose as their hand cradled my cheek. “That just makes me want to sucker punch every one of your past partners.”
“They weren’t terrible about sex,” I assured. “They just weren’t…great, I guess? I’m just sort of realizing that now that I have something to compare to. I definitely didn’t get flowers, soft cuddles, and multiple orgasms.”
“My statement still stands,” Billie insisted. “In any case, I’ll give you as many flowers, cuddles, and orgasms as you want. I want my partners to live the three S’s.”
“What are those?” I asked.
“Safe, satisfied, and spoiled.” Billie grinned at my laughter.
“Well, I am definitely all three of those. But I wouldn’t say no to some more sleep while acquiring more of those promised cuddles.”
“Your wish is my command, Books.”
When we woke again it was deep into the afternoon. I felt luxuriously rested. I suppose the best orgasm of my life might have something to do with that. My ridiculous little giggle woke Billie.
They stretched slowly and leaned in to kiss me prior to sliding off the bed to collect their phone in the living room and go pee, returning to flop back onto the bed with me. “I think I have messages from the entire pack.”
“Did we worry them?”
“They’re just making sure that I’m alive. They knew I was with you, but I forgot to let them know that I was getting lucky.”
My cheeks flushed with warmth.