“I suppose it's too early for me to invite you to the pack house to meet everyone?” Billie asked.

Anxiety at the suggestion churned my stomach. “Maybe a wee bit early.”

“Fair enough. I should probably get home to them even though I’d love to lay here all day with you.” They tapped away on their phone. “Tony can pick me up in about ten minutes.”

“I can drive you home,” I offered.

“My self control can’t handle having you that close to home and you not coming in. Best not to tempt me. You rest.” Billie kissed my cheek. “So, did this date go as well as I think it did?”

“Yep. Pretty darn good,” I said with a laugh.

“Good.” Billie took my face in both of their hands. “Does that mean I could interest you in a second date?”

I wasn’t entirely sure why the way they held my face made me breathless. Billie's thumbs brushed over my lower lip and my clit tingled. I wanted to answer, but I felt almost completely immobilized by the force of their gaze and the electric heat in those blue eyes.

“How is it possible for you to be this exquisite?” Billie asked. “Use your words, Books.”

Their hands slid to cup my neck, fingers tangling in my hair.

“Second date sounds amazing.” My voice sounded embarrassingly like I’d been running a marathon.

“Is tomorrow too soon?”

“Will I seem like a hermit with no social life if I say tomorrow’s great?”

Billie laughed and tugged my head back, pressing their lips to the pulse of my throat. I was sure they could feel it hammering.

“Your lack of social life is my gain.”

I surrendered immediately to the kiss Billie dropped onto my mouth, my body igniting. They nuzzled my cheek with theirs, scent marking me like I belonged to them. I didn’t mind that one bit.

I watched them lazily dress, only a little disheartened when my offer to make them coffee was thwarted as their phone pinged, signalling the arrival of their car.

Billie kissed me once more and teasingly bit my earlobe. “You be a good girl for me, Books. I’ll see you tonight.”

They were gone barely two minutes when a text from Mom popped up.


How was your date?


It was perfect :)

I was relieved I didn’t have to lie to her this time. Billie really was so much more than I’d anticipated and I was eager to experience more of this beta who had swept into my life and upended all of my expectations.

I climbed into the shower with a smile on my face. Morning couldn’t come soon enough.



“Areyouevenlisteningto me?”

“Of course, Councillor Harvey.” I bit my tongue to keep from saying anything further. The woman was insufferable on multiple levels, not least of which when she insisted on explaining to me the importance of doing the same job I’d been doing for years with zero complaints.

“I need that back by tomorrow afternoon.”