I checked the time on my phone. “I’ll start packing up my things. Hopefully your morning staff aren’t late.”

“Sounds good. I’ll wrap up my stuff. Be at the front desk when you’re ready?”

“You got it, baby girl.”

The day staff was on time, and with Alphonse still MIA, Nicky and I decided to walk to the waffle place. It was barely five minutes away, but the wind was crisp this early in the morning, so she tucked against my side for warmth. We shared two waffles—one with poached eggs, bacon, and Hollandaise sauce and another with strawberries and hazelnut spread—at a small table in the back corner.

Nicky shovelled a piece of waffle into her mouth, and I caught her chin between my fingers, licking some of the hazelnut spread from the corner of her lips. Her sweet vanillin scent burst. I smiled against her skin, softly kissing her lips, then sat back so I could watch her. Poor thing looked like she was about to spontaneously combust as her gaze darted around the restaurant with her cheeks flaming.

“You look far too inviting when you turn that colour.”

My statement only turned her a brighter shade of fuchsia.

We finished off our food, and I won the battle for who got to pay. The trip back wasn’t any warmer, and I took advantage of Nicky's proximity, draping my arm around her shoulder as we walked.

I kissed her up against her car before I got her inside the vehicle. She rolled down the window after I closed the door. “I don’t suppose I could also persuade you to come over for a little bit? Or a sleepover if the pack won’t miss you?”

The suggestion warmed me down to my toes. “I’d love to. Do you want me to drive with you or take my own car?”

“Whichever you prefer. I don’t mind driving you back here to get your car later if you want.”

“Let's do that then.” I slipped into the passenger side and pulled her in for a kiss, one of those slow, deeply indulgent ones that made you feel like you’re up in the clouds.

I let my palm rest on the back of her neck as she drove, and inside her apartment we were greeted by the familiar sound of Spud demanding his breakfast. Nicky scooped him up and delivered a dozen kisses to the top of his head. I kicked off my shoes and went to grab him some food since I already knew where she kept everything. Spud inhaled his meal, and Nicky drew me into the bedroom.

“You planning on using your feminine wiles on me, baby girl?”

“That may have been part of my intentions in inviting you over.” She gave me a shy smile, and, when I gestured her over, hopped straight into my arms. I caught the underside of her thighs and tipped my head up to meet her mouth.

She was all sweetness as she melted under my attention. When I walked her over to the bed, tipping forward so that she landed with awhooshwith me on top of her, she gasped. Our combined scents filled the small space, and she mewled happily beneath me.

“I thoughtIwas supposed to be using my wiles,” she said, voice breathy.

“I’m plenty seduced, but if you’d like to work a little more of your magic, I’m not opposed.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever properly seduced anyone before. What do you like?” Her expression was so bright and earnest as she asked that question.

I gave a low chuckle. “Oh, baby girl, I don’t know if you’re ready for that conversation.”

She wiggled beneath me. “You and Hana never want to tell me things. Quit making me curious about things I don’t know.Tell me.”

I raised up just a little and put my thumb over her lips, trailing slowly over her chin and down her throat, so she tipped her head back with a soft whine that pitched higher when I laid my palm down to pin her in place.

“There's a lot that I like. I love everything we’ve done, but I don’t think any of us have played with you the way we might play with one another.”

Nicky's breath had turned to panting, and she rocked her hips against the bulge of my jeans. “I want to. Show me?”

There went my ability to say no. I wanted to please her, and there were so many ways I could do that. I would start with giving her exactly what she asked for.

“I can do that,” I said. “Same rules apply. Tell me words for slow and stop.”

“Yellow to slow.” Her hands dug into the sheets below her. “Red to stop.”

“Good girl. I can show you a few things. If you like them, we’ll keep them, and if you don’t that's fine too. Do you mind if I root around your place and see what I can find to use?”

“I don’t know what you’re looking for, but go ahead,” she said.

I nodded, already sifting through the possibilities. “Strip down for me and wait. I won’t be long.”