I left her in the bedroom and did a quick scan of her apartment, slowly gathering supplies: the paraffin candle and lighter on her coffee table, a feathered cat toy, the ice cube tray from her freezer, and a couple of skinny scarves from her closet.
Her eyes were round and curious as I set my stock pile down on her bedside table.
She kneeled on her bed completely naked, knees pressed together, almost in a proper starting position except that she was hunched forward like she was trying to hide the full scale of her beauty from me.
That simply wasn’t allowed.
“If you have any toys, now would be the time to bring them out for me to see. You can tell me where they are and I’ll get them. Be sure to sit up, too. One part of playtime is showing yourself off. Shoulders back.”
Nicky shifted into the proper position and directed me to her bedside table. There wasn’t a lot to work with, but something was always better than nothing. I extracted the hot pink toy and the little bottle of lube she kept with it, setting both next to the rest of the things I had acquired.
I cupped her chin, and her gaze flickered up to mine, those dark eyes lit up with a war of desire and uncertainty.
“Yes,” she said quietly.
“Since this is your first time, we’re going to make it extra clear. Say it like you mean it.”
“Yes, I’m ready” she repeated, her voice a touch more forceful this time.
“Good girl. How do you feel about me tying you up a little?” I held up the scarves I’d gathered. “Blindfold and light restraint, okay?”
She nodded, but at the raising of my eyebrow, she added, “Yes. I trust you.”
“My brave girl.” I cupped her cheek and kissed her softly. “Know that I don’t take that trust for granted and I won’t let it be misplaced. I’ll keep you safe.”
She smiled up at me and lifted her face for another kiss, pulling away with luminous eyes. “I know.”
I used one scarf to gently bind her wrists and the other to cover her eyes. The shift in her was instant, her breathing picking up as she got squirmy.
“Colour?” I asked.
I moved on to the next task, using the barbeque lighter to get the candle melting. The cat toy would take on a new function while we waited for our temperature play items to be ready.
She jolted at the first touch, the fluffy end brushing her cheek. I traced it over the curves and planes of her body, letting her adjust to being without her sense of sight so she could focus on touch. It didn’t take very long for her to relax into it.
“I’m going to lay you back, okay?”
“Okay,” she murmured, letting me maneuver her up the bed and stretch her legs out.
The feathers traced over her toes and ankles, taking a serpentine route up her legs before teasing each perked nipple in turn. Her squirming resumed, the feathers rounding her breasts, slipping in alternating patterns along her throat and the curve of her waist, crossing just above the thatch of hair between her thighs.
I spared a glance at the candle. It was melted enough to start.
“Nicky,” I said softly. “I’m going to try something new, okay? Have you ever played with hot wax?”
“Does dipping my fingertips in it as a kid count?”
“We’ll go with yes. This will be like that except on the rest of your body. Is that fine?”
I fetched a towel from her linen closet and worked under her body. By the time I had finished she was shivering in anticipation, her thighs squeezing together, her nipples pebbled and asking to be touched. Who was I to deny them?
I leaned down and sucked one between my lips with a swirl of my tongue. Nicky let out a shocked moan and arched, thrusting it deeper into my mouth. I kept at it, teasing it while she writhed beneath me. When I pulled away, she let out an impatient sound.