“Do you want to come in for some tea?” I offered.

“Oh, thank you, dear. But my son will be here to pick me up in about five minutes. He just moved back to town from overseas. This is the first time we’re both living on the same coast since before I got remarried, and it’s been nice to see him again.”

“No worries. I hope you have a good time.”

The older beta gave me a one-armed hug and a beaming smile. We parted ways, and I sat down at my little kitchen table, scarfing down half the plate. She probably would’ve been tickled to see me blitz through her food so quickly. I should figure out a recipe so I could share something with her, too. Maybe Jasper and I could make shortbread again.

I quietly chided myself. I wasn’t supposed to be focusing on the pack tonight. I had to be able to go at least a few hours in my own company without my thoughts wandering back to them.

A bit after ten, my phone alarm went off to remind me to start getting ready for work. I slipped into some dark purple dress pants and a black cap-sleeved blouse and pinned my hair into a loose chignon. I gave Spud a generous portion of food and kissed his perfect little head before setting off to the library.

I drove a loop around the building when I got there to make sure Alphonse wasn’t parked, though I wasn’t sure I would be able to tell his car from any other. The parking lot was pretty full which boded well for witnesses, just in case. I parked where I could see the windows of the library and made a quick exit from my vehicle to the front doors in my comfortable ballet flats.

Miranda waved to me as I approached the front desk. The smile faded from my face when I noticed another bouquet of lilies waiting for me. Miranda's gaze shifted from me, to the bouquet, and back to me again.

“Okay, now youhave totell me what's going on. Why are flowers making you look like you’ve seen a ghost?”

I took a breath to steady myself. “Problematic ex. He recently found out where I work.”

“Yikes. Do you want to mention it to Patricia?”

“Yeah, I guess I probably should. I don’t want her to think that I’m encouraging gifts being sent to work for me.” I had hoped that the flowers were a one and done situation, but apparently that wasn’t going to be the case, which meant I’d have to update our facility manager.

Miranda nodded. “Definitely. I’ll let the day staff know to take anything they want home if more comes from him. Then you don’t even have to see it.”

“Perfect. Thank you.”

We chatted for a few more minutes. There were about thirty patrons spread around the library. A good portion were more university students still studying, and the rest were an amateur astronomy group that would be taking to the roof once the meteor shower started. I was only alittlejealous that I couldn’t leave my post to go watch it as well.

I started off my night with re-shelving and going through a fresh box of donations. There was no sign of Billie or Tony, and I tried not to think about how strange the library felt without them.

My phone buzzed.


Are you safe, baby girl?



I’ve got a library full

Are you coming in tonight?


After Jasper goes to work

Do you mind if Gabe and Hana come too?


You’re all welcome anytime <3

I focused back on my job, some of which included hunting down those bylaws Tony had asked for so I could have some ready when he arrived. The university students were particularly needy today, but I didn’t mind. It certainly helped pass the time.

In between helping patrons, I dug out a bunch of our old poster boards on how to properly research for a third grade class we had due in the morning. That was one thing that I missed from working days. The kids were always so cute.