My heart gave an excitable skitter when my alphas and beta swept into the library. I was going to let go of the fact that I had called themmineand just push onward. Hana and Gabe looked around, surveying my little kingdom.

Hana's long, dark hair was tied up in a high ponytail, and she had a cozy white zip-up sweater on with charcoal athletic pants below. Gabe was in his same signature look, and it made me briefly wonder just how many pairs of distressed jeans and tank tops he owned. Tony was in the same jeans and cashmere as I had seen him in this morning, and Billie was in a lacy black dress with fishnet tights, the perfect little goth.

“The astronomy club is hogging your corner,” I told them. “But they should be going up to the roof any minute.”

I fell silent under the heat of Hana's gaze. Her dark eyes flickered over my face, and I tried to keep my breathing steady.

“That's okay,” said Tony. “We’ll have a wander around in the meantime.”

The three of them went off. Hana stayed behind.

“Hi,” I said softly.

“You look at home here,” Hana commented.

“Thanks, I love it. I’m glad you came tonight. I was hoping we could maybe spend some time together? You totally don’t have to. I get that I’m kind of hogging your pack, and you probably don’t like that, but I—”


I snapped my mouth closed.

Hana gave me a small smile. “Funny you should ask, because I have a favour to ask you.”


“I’d like you to go on a hike with me.”

Oh god.

My cardio was pathetic. But I didn’t want to disappoint her. “Sure, I’d love to.”

Maybelovewas a bit of a stretch. While I was certainly eager to get the alpha to like me, I wasn’t sure that revealing how bad of shape I was in would do that.

“I only have a sunrise boot camp on Thursday. Can I pick you up from work for our hike afterward?”

I supposed it was probably too much to hope for her picking a later date so I could at leastbegintraining myself. “Sure, that sounds good.”

Her eyes narrowed, scrutinizing me. “You don’t have to agree, Nicky. I’m not going to be mad if you say no.”

I squeaked. “Why would you think I don’t want to go?”

“You responded twice with 'sure’ and you touched your hair six times while answering.”

I didn’t know I had such obvious tells.

“It's not that I don’t want to go. I do. I just haven’t gone on a hike in alongtime. I don’t know how much I can manage.”

“I’ll pick an easy route for us. I’ll be coming off of a class so I’m not going to make you climb Everest by any means.”

She rewarded me with another soft smile when my shoulders dropped down. “Okay, I think I can probably manage that.”

“Good. I’m looking forward to getting to know you.”

What if she got to know me and didn’t like what she found?

Hana sighed, and for the first time, looked a little nervous. “Look, I get it. I know I’m not the most open person, but I don’t want you to be uncomfortable around me. The pack likes you, and I want to give whatever this is the chance it deserves for them. So I’m going to try, okay? And if I go overboard, just let me know. I’m working on getting better about receiving critique.”

Damn, she was adorable, gorgeous…tall. I wanted to climb her like a fucking tree.