Her hair was already washed when I arrived, and pinned up with a clip to let the conditioner do its work. She kissed me softly, mouth lingering, tongue delving with a patient pace that warmed my blood all over again.
“Do you want me to wash your hair?” she asked.
“Yes please,” I said, both because it felt nice and because it was always part of Hana's aftercare when we played here. Hana took her time shampooing my hair, kneading my scalp and working out the knots in my shoulders before rinsing me down. She soaped me thoroughly from head to toe, hands covering every inch, rinsing me clean again and taking the time to dry me and lotion my skin. I loved her hands on me in any capacity, but nothing quite compared to her dedication to tidying me up after she had ruined me.
I let her comb my damp hair and blow dry it into my usual style. Afterwards, she sat quietly in turn, slowly relaxing as I blow dried hers for her until it was like black satin falling down her back.
Her tension had melted away by the time we made it back upstairs, and I only hoped she would be able to maintain that for a while. I hadn’t said it at the time, but I was pretty sure that Nicky would be making another appearance, and I was probably more excited than Hana would like me to be about that. If Nicky would let us both play, I knew that it would trigger Hana's dominant side. Those giant doe eyes would lure in my beautiful alpha in a heartbeat.
I wouldn’t push though. Hana would come around, or she wouldn’t, and nothing any of us said would change that.
How was I supposed to behavenormally?Howwas I supposed to act like the fabric of my whole existence hadn’t been ripped out from under my feet to toss me into a bed with deliciously hot people that made mefeelthings I didn’t even know were possible?
I fumbled the book I was trying to return to the shelf, and it fell face down on the floor. “Fuck,” I murmured, to no one but myself.
The library was empty tonight except for a few students who had taken over the glassed in study rooms.
Billie and Tony were giving mespaceso that I didn’t feel crowded with them popping up every single night. But space gave me room to stew, and I was already far too prone to that to begin with.
I pulled out my phone and texted my sister-in-law on the off-chance that she was awake at two in the morning. The phone rang in my hand barely three seconds later.
“Heyo,” Allie chirped. “What's up? Is this a call for your brother to overhear or should I hop out of bed?”
“Preference on him not hearing. I’ll talk to him later if I need to.” I wedged my phone between ear and shoulder, wheeling further down the aisle to return more books. “I’m kind of up in my head right now, and I just wanted a little perspective, I guess?”
“Ooh, I dunno how good I am at giving that, but I’ll do my best. What's going on?”
I hesitated too long, and she let out a giggle. “Is the delay because it's a sexy thing?”
“Shut up.”
Allie cackled at the other end of the line. “Details! I need them. But I feel like this needs to be a round table discussion. Should I get Luna and Meg in on this?”
“Sure,” I said. “I guess more opinions can’t hurt. You think they’re awake?”
“No idea. They’ll totally answer if I call, though. One sec.” Allie got the call connected. Meg greeted us sleepily, but Luna sounded wide awake.
“What’s up, babes?” Luna asked.
“Nicky has a sexy problem,” Allie replied. “We’re round-tabling.”
“Ooh. Juicy!” Luna laughed.
“What’s going on, Nicky?” Meg asked.
“Okay, so, I started seeing someone.” I took a deep breath and shoved a book back where it belonged. “And, they’re also seeing people, and I might like those people too, and I’m so out of my depths with it all.”
“What's the dealio with the other people they’re seeing?” Luna asked. “Casual? Serious?”
“They’re a pack. They all live together in this giant beautiful house, and I stayed there last night, and oh mygod,I don’t know how to exist anymore.”