“Oh, heck. A pack is pretty damn serious,” Allie said. “We’re going to need to know everything down to the last juicy detail to properly offer that perspective you ordered.”

I filled them in onsomeof the details. They didn’t need to know everything that had happened.

“Okay, so what's the problem?” Allie asked.

“You don’t think it's all really fast? I feel like I’m going to end up panicking and run away to Europe to find myself a month from now when they get tired of me.”

“They’re not going to get tired of you because you’re delightful,” Luna insisted.

“Also,” said Allie, “you found yourself when you went to Rome after your first year of university. You also found Stefan while you were there, if I’m remembering that story correctly.”

“God, that was ages ago, and also irrelevant,” I said with a laugh, maneuvring my cart to another aisle. “I’m pretty sure Hana was not a big fan of me spending the night with Gabe.”

“Did she say that, or are you gleaning?” Meg asked.

“Gleaning, but it felt pretty obvious.”

“I mean, I guess that's fair if she was a bit weird about it,” Allie said. “Like, if Sidney and I had discussed him being able to date other people, and two seconds later he popped up with a woman in our bed, that would be a pretty massive adjustment, right? Maybe she just felt like you were kinda sprung on her.”

“That's true. Ugh. I just, I feel like they’ve got it all figured out, and I’m just like a baby deer tossed in there trying to keep up with the herd before I’ve even learned to walk.”

“The cutest baby deer.” Luna laughed.

“It’ll take time,” said Meg. “If they’re a pack they’re going to have some experience with each other.”

“How long have they been packed up?” Allie asked.

“Six years, I think?”



Allie sighed. “They’ve had six years to figure out their flow, and you’re worried about being awkward a few days in? Girl, you gotta take a breath.”

“That's why I’m callingyou.” I smoothed down my hair even though it was already perfectly smooth and tucked back. “You’re all my breath.”

“Well, then you’re doomed,” Luna said with a laugh.

“Comeon, that's not fair. I don’t have any sisters to ask and none of my beta friends ever dated alphas. Tell me your personal experiences. I need to know what I’m in for.”

“I only know things from the alpha side. I never really asked any of the betas I knew in the past,” Meg told me.

“I mostly only kicked it with alphas for my heats,” replied Allie, “so they all hit me like a ton of bricks with the hormones and all that jazz.”

“I’ve dated the whole sample platter,” said Luna. “I don’t think I have any particular preference, though Allie’s right about the ton of bricks when it comes to a heat.”

“What about when you’re not in heat? What's it like?”

“Just know that in the answer to that question I’m going to have to talk about your brother,” Allie warned.

“Yeah that's fine. Whatever.”

“Okay, well, he still hits me like a ton of bricks. Even without the heats we’re super tuned to one another, but that could be because we’re bonded. I dunno. Alphas have a vibe. A lot of them are very sexy, and they know it, and they’ve got way better control of their scent than the rest of us, which is very unfair.”

“I just wonder if maybe I’m reactingtoomuch. Is that possible?”

“Biology is not my forte,” Allie replied, “but if you’re really freaked out you could always go ask at the clinic. Or you could ask your brother, I mean he's been a nurse forever so he probably knows something.”