“Um. I kind of chickened out on a proper breakup and just never followed him overseas when I was supposed to. Changed my phone number, moved to a new apartment, cut off all contact, and mailed the ring to him.” My voice had turned all high and squeaky.

Tony’s hand moved higher and settled on the back of my neck. It was weirdly cozy to be in his arms, though I barely knew him. I should be more mindful of the cameras, but I was so comfortable.

“Damn, Books. I’d say that’s cold, but that dude had creepy vibes so I don’t blame you.”

“I haven’tseenhim since. I thought I was home free until he just showed up saying he wanted to get back together and that he talked to my mom. I hate that she just handed out info about where I work.”

Tony set me at arm’s length, his warm gaze flicking over my face. “Nicky, are you afraid of this guy?” he asked, point blank.

“No!No, it's…he'sfine. He's never hurt me.” I shook myself. “Sorry. I really should get to work though. I think your corner is free and I’ll come hang out on my break if you want me.”

Billie made apshsound. “Ifwe want you. What kind of question is that? The answer is obviously yes. You’re welcome anytime.”

They cupped my cheeks and laid a soft kiss on my lips. I shouldreallycare more that the cameras could see me, but I just wanted them to kiss me again. Alphonse had shaken me up, and apparently Billie and Tony were what I needed to settle back down.

Billie grinned at me before tugging Tony off to the bean bag corner. I felt better knowing that they were here even though there was really no reason to feel unsafe.

Alphonse had always been all bark. Kind of clingy. A bit judgemental. Desperate to know where I was at all times so his insecurities didn’t nag at him, which made him nag at me if I went MIA for more than half an hour. I pinched the bridge of my nose. I didn’t want to go back to that. I hated who I’d been with him—neuroticallthe time, letting friendships slide away to avoid conflict. Him picking a fight with me when I’d rescued Spud had been the final nail in that proverbial coffin. I’d seen my chance to escape, and I’d taken it.

I wouldn’t have any friends at all right now if my sister-in-law hadn’t pulled me into her little group. Her besties, Meg and Luna, had essentially adopted me when we’d all been in the wedding party together, but I had never reached out again to the friends I’d lost while dating Alphonse.

I pushed all those thoughts aside and got back to the set up of one of the day programs, putting up the decorations and making sure that all the resources would be accessible come morning. We were having an ornithologist come in and bringing a few special animal guests. I was definitely jealous of the day staffers, but the birds weren’t coming in until noon for a school field trip, and I would be dead on my feet by then. Maybe I’d get lucky and they would do a nocturnal bird exhibit one day when I was working.

Once I’d put together all of the finishing touches, I decided it was time for a break and headed over to where Tony and Billie were tucked together on the bean bags.

Tony saw me first and offered a bright smile that made my stomach flip. “Hey cutie. Having a good shift?”

“Yep. All set up for the birds tomorrow.”

Billie scooted over and patted the vacant spot on the beanbag next to them they had just vacated. “Park that booty, Books.”

I sank down and tried not to blush too hard when Billie snaked an arm around my shoulders.

“Billie is pretty big on PDA,” said Tony. “Best to let them know now if you’re not cool with that.”

“It's okay,” I replied. “I’m just not used to it.”

“Do you mind if Tony comes to breakfast?” Billie asked. “I told him about your eggs benny.”

“No pressure,” Tony added. “I don’t want to intrude on your date.”

If I was going to keep seeing Billie then it was probably a good idea for me to get to know their pack as soon as I was comfortable. Tony was an easy first addition to spend extra time with.

“Sure,” I said. “The more the merrier.”

“Have you ever gone out with an alpha?” Billie asked.

“Uh, well, I’ve spent time with alphas in general. My oldest brother is one. But I’ve never dated an alpha if that's what you’re asking. Just betas.”

“Why is that?” asked Tony. He looked at me curiously.

“I dunno, I just never thought I’d be enough for one. I’ve never dated an omega either for the same reason.”

“Oh,no.” Tony set his hand over mine and slid it slowly up my arm like he was giving me time to tell him to stop. Then he was cupping the back of my neck, holding me captive with his dark gaze. “No, no. We don’t speak about ourselves like that in this pack. You have value no matter your dynamic. You are enough for the right person, and anyone who believes otherwise is simply wrong.”

I found myself nodding along to his words.

Billie pressed up against my back and whispered in my ear, “Isn’t he sexy when he cares about your emotional well-being?”