“I…see. That's unfortunate. I missed you while I was away and was really looking forward to spending time with you again. I wasn’t expecting you to turn things into an open relationship while I was gone.”
I stared at him, at a complete loss for words. True, I hadn’t explicitly stated we were done, but how much clearer could returning my engagement ring have been? We hadn’t spoken in more than two years.
“Show me the library, he insisted. “You don’t mind some company while you work, do you?”
It felt hypocritical to say that I did when I was waiting on Billie and Tony to arrive. I guess I could humour him for a few minutes…
“Sure. There's signs that show you all of the sections. Is there something specific you’re looking for?”
“Nope. I’m just here to see your beautiful face.”
I pushed down my sense of unease.
“Hey, Books!”
I felt more than a little guilty at the wave of relief that rolled through me when I heard Billie's voice. They bounded up to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. “Who's your friend?”
“I feel likeIshould be asking that,” said Alphonse. He thrust out his hand to shake Billie's. “Alphonse Morelli. Nicky’s fiance.”
Billie squeaked, and Tony’s eyes widened.
“Ex!” I burst out. “Ex fiance.”
Billie looked to me for some type of guidance with how to respond. I had no idea what to say. I wasn’t sure how Alphonse would react if he knew who Billie was to me. And, besides, it wasn’t any of his business.
Tony stepped between Alphonse and I, holding out his hand for Alphonse to shake. I relaxed a fraction as he put me out of eyesight and gave me a barrier. Billie put their hand in mine, squeezing gently.
“Good to meet you,” Tony said to Alphonse, his voice tight. “I’m Tony and this is Billie. We’re friends of Nicky's.”
Alphonse stared at Tony’s outstretched hand, finally accepting it after a few moments. “You must benewfriends then. I don’t recall her ever mentioning you.”
Why would I have? He’d never likedanyof my friends to begin with, and so many of them had dropped away when I’d dated him. I wasn’t going to introduce anyone new to him when we weren’t even together.
“Yep,” I said, trying to end the conversation quickly. “Pretty new, but I like them a lot.”
Alphonse's posture was stiff as he eyeballed both of the new arrivals.
“I should really get back to work.”
Please leave.
Alphonse gave me a long look, then nodded. “I’ll pick you up for a date tomorrow then.”
He was on his way out before my brain could formulate any kind of response. Billie and Tony were looking at me curiously.
Tony opened his arms to me, and I stepped into them without thinking, freezing as he held me there in front of the main desk.
“Are you alright, Nicky?” Tony asked quietly.
“Yeah,” Billie said. “You look wigged out.”
I curled my fingers into Tony’s shirt to anchor myself, breathing in his coffee and caramel scent that had a lingering layer of bitterness to it, slowly fading out the longer we stood here.
“I didn’tagreeto a date with him,” I said. “Just so that you know. I told him I was busy, and he didn’t take the hint.”
Tony set a warm hand between my shoulder blades. “Seems like he's the type of guy who doesn’t get hints. Probably not the type who gets direct communication either.”
“What's the deal?” Billie asked.“You said he was your ex. Rough breakup?”