“Just relax, okay? And don’t worry about anything. I know what I’m doing, but I need you to not fight it when it happens.”
I took a deep breath to calm myself, still feeling my heartbeat pulse through my entire body.
Billie tested out a few different motions inside of me. Some felt nice, and some felt like nothing, then they moved their wrist and the sensation struck me like a hammer so hard I cried out, surprised.
“Holy shit!”
“Yeah, it's a bit intense. That just means I found the right spot. Are you going to be okay with that?”
“I’m definitely willing to try.”
I might die in the process, but I wanted to feel it again.
“Just remember to breathe.” Billie worked their fingers inside me again, hitting that same spot that made me come apart and lose complete control of my body.
Breathing beyond frantic gasps was impossible, and even my task of playing with my breasts seemed to use up more mental capacity than I had available. I had never felt what Billie was doing, and I was certain that I would be absolutely ruined by the time they were done.
All of my muscles pulled taut, freezing me in place. I barely registered how loud I was. I couldn’t stop. It was like I was going to explode from the inside. The intensity kept increasing, blurring everything around me. Billie's hand pressed firmly down just below my belly button.
“Pinch those nipples, Books.”
Some part of my brain reacted to the instructions and obeyed with fumbling hands. I squeezed hard, and the burn of it seared, electricity zipping between my fingertips and my clit, ending with the fireworks of Billie's touch.
My vision blacked out, and liquid gushed from between my thighs, my body seizing from head to toe as I screamed. The orgasm seemed to ricochet, rolling through me endlessly, my body pulsing and twitching with each rebound. It faded impossibly slow. The warmth of Billie was pressed to my side, gentle fingers stroking my cheek until I opened my eyes again.
“There's my girl. Have fun?”
My throat felt raw, and my head was full of scrambled eggs instead of functioning brain matter. I giggled, flexing my muscles slowly, making a kissy noise to lure Billie closer so I could kiss them again.
“I think you ruined me,” I murmured against their mouth.
Billie laughed quietly. “Sorry, I know it's a bit much. You lay right here, and I’ll get you some water.”
They were so nonchalant for absolutely blowing my mind.
How was I ever supposed to sleep with someone else after they’d given me the knowledge that I could experience this fresh fire and burning need?
Billie lifted my head and pressed the edge of a cup to my lips. I sipped a bit of it, and that helped the ragged dryness of my throat. I nestled into their arms, needing the contact as little panicky thoughts flickered in the background that whispered this was a one time thing, and I’d never get to experience this kind of desire ever again.
“Rest for a few minutes. You’ll be right as rain soon.” Billie set the cup aside and curled up next to me, drawing little patterns on my skin. I burrowed close, looping my arm around their waist, breathing in their spicy scent laced with their pack’s.
The word echoed in my thoughts, even though it wasn’t true. Billie belonged to a pack, not to me, no matter how much I liked the idea of keeping them.
I must’ve fallen asleep because when I woke up Billie was snoring softly. I had no clue what time it was until I heard Spud's plaintive meow from the kitchen. I rolled towards Billie and kissed their cheek.
They opened their eyes slowly. “She lives.”
I laughed, the gravelly feeling in my throat finally subsided. “I do. I have to feed Spuddy.”
We detached ourselves from one another and I wandered into the kitchen naked to get Spud breakfast. There was a square of paper on the floor on the inside of my door. I picked it up, groaning.
Are you all right? I heard you scream and you didn’t answer. Please come let me know as soon as possible.
-Mrs. Poppadakis
Oh God.