I let Meg tug me out onto the dance floor and spin me around to the high tempo pop song that was playing from the speakers. Meg was beautiful, as tall as Hana, but dancing with her made me miss my pack. I swallowed that down and tried to focus on the music. Meg spun me so fast I needed to hold her to stay upright. I giggled in her arms, and when I tripped over my own feet, she caught me.
“Whoa there, girl.” Meg laughed and wrapped her arms around me. “Do you want to go for another spin or get another drink?”
“Are water and snacks an option?”
“Always.” Meg escorted me back to the table, and we passed Miranda tearing up the dance floor with Selene.
“Keep our married lady company,” Luna ordered. “Meg is going to show me a good time out there.”
The two of them bounded back onto the dance floor, and I settled in next to Allie. “You don’t want to dance?”
“I will, but I’m going to let one of them get tired and settle down first. Someone has to guard our food and drinks.”
We got another tray of finger food and glasses of water for all of us. I didn’t make it back onto the dance floor, but I was able to successfully distract myself from the storm of emotions that I was keeping at bay. Loud music and happy friends were a good remedy for now.
When the evening finally came to a close, with Miranda and Selene going home together, we parted ways: Meg taking Luna home and Sidney picking up Allie and I.
I stayed up for the sake of my sleep schedule, plowing through a book and thankfully not waking my brother with crying this time.
Hopefully, tomorrow would go as well.
“Not amazingly,” said Billie. “I wish I could fix it.”
“You and me both.” I tucked my beta into a hug and kissed their forehead.
“I really thought my info dumping at her about my first heat with Jasper while she was packing to leave would be enough to calm her down about it.”
“You tried,” I said. “That's all we can do. Do you think Jasper’s up to some company?”
“I doubt he would say no to you.”
I slipped inside Jasper's room, where my omega was fussing around with his nest. He’d been wandering in and out of our rooms all day gathering up laundry, blankets, and pillows as he saw fit to fill his space with our scents.
I kissed his cheek, catching him off guard and making him jump.
“Would it be better or worse for you to get some things from Nicky's room?”
Jasper's bottom lip wobbled. “I don’t know.”
“Do you want me to go up with you and see?”
He flexed his fingers against the blankets. “What if she doesn’t want us in there?”
I pulled out my phone and sent her an inquiry text. There was no sense in Jasper making himself work with hypotheticals when I could find the answer. A reply buzzed a moment later.
“Nicky says you can take anything you need.”
My poor omega sucked in a shaky breath.
I sat next to him and cupped his cheek. “I know that you’re hurting, and I want nothing more than to be able to fix it, but this is the best that we can do for you right now. Can I bring you up to her room?”
Jasper nodded and swiped at his eyes.