“Did you share heat with him?”

“Yep, though just one before we split. He hired a Heat Helper because I was not even close to being in shape enough to keep up with that.”

“What was it like?”

Miranda chugged the rest of her cocktail and set the glass down hard on the table. “Hottest experience of my whole fucking life.”

My face burst into flames.

Luna high-fived Allie.

Meg laughed and waved down a waiter to get us another round.

“Seriously though,” said Miranda, “while it was fucking hot, I definitely overdid it. Pretty sure I pulled something in my hip. I should’ve done some bootcamps or something to prepare. You’re thinking about being part of a heat?”

I nodded.

“Start training now, then. Get as well-fed and hydrated as you can in the days beforehand.”

“It’s in the next week or two.”

“Oh…” Miranda trailed off. “Yikes. Well, never say never. You could make it work, you’ll just need some recovery time. I fit a smaller dress size when I came out of the heat. Can’t say I recommend that, I was shrivelled up and parched as the Sahara.”

I stewed on the information while Luna pulled focus back to happier topics, and scanned the bar patrons until she found someone she deemed cute enough.

“There. Tall, dark, and gorgeous.” Luna pointed out a woman that would’ve towered over all of us, except Meg, dressed in red sequins and high heels, with smooth brown skin and a halo of curls.

“Oh my god! Yes, please.” Miranda chuckled. “She's way too pretty.”

Luna sprinted across the dance floor in the center of the bar, skidding to a stop next to the woman. She let out a laugh and allowed herself to be pulled back towards our table. Even in the dim light, I could see Miranda's cheeks lit up like pink neon.

“Selene, this is our sexy beta, Miranda. Miranda, this gorgeous specimen of an alpha is Selene. You should both go dance.”

We watched the two of them head out onto the dance floor before we collapsed into giggles.

“Luna, I swear, you have some kind of magic power,” I said, chuckling.

Luna grinned and wiggled her fingers. “Leave no friend unlaid is my philosophy. Miranda made me like her enough that that policy now applies to her.”

“So when do Luna and I get to meet your pack?” Meg asked. “Allie's been feeling way too special being the only one who's met them.”

“Oh, maybe next month, if they all still like me by then,” I replied, my mood slipping.

“Are you anticipating them not liking you soon?” Meg asked.

“No, no, no,” Allie said, tapping at the table. “We’re not talking about the pack tonight; we are distracting Nicky from being sad.”

“You all should come to yoga,” Luna declared. “I’ve got a super sexy aerial yoga class I’ve been teaching.”

“Since when do you do yoga?” I asked.

“Since I realized how hot I look in the pants. I finished all the training a few months ago, and now I get to be the yoga teacher that everyone lays their lusty eyeballs on.”

“I could check it out. And you,” I said, with a wink. “I’ve started getting a little bit more serious about my physical health, and if I don’t do something while my trainer is occupied, I’m gonna lose all my progress.”

Luna squealed. “Then it's settled! You can come to all my evening classes, and I’ll make sure you’re all buff and flexible.”

“Come dance with me,” said Meg. “We’ll work on your cardio.”