Barely ten minutes passed between the beginning of the intervention and the arrival of the cops to take away the troublemakers. I waded back inside. The air pulsed with energy, a sexual haze blanketing the guests as they tossed back their shots and gyrated to the music. They had already forgotten any disturbance.

Much like being the only sober person at a party, being a bouncer at a club never failed to feel like an almost surreal experience. I shook off the lingering adrenaline rush from the altercation and moved back to my post. The original omega who had approached me came back to thank me and assure me that her friends were okay now.

The night wore on. Luckily, the rest of it was par for the course: arranging taxis for anyone who couldn’t walk straight and fending off the dozens of people that tried to hit on me.

When my shift finally came to a close around four in the morning, I detoured away from my path home and went instead to the library. I kept my smile to myself when I saw Hana's little red car in the lot. Apparently, she wasn’t the only one unable to stay away.

I debated leaving them to it, but then I saw our minivan too. Tony and Billie were probably already up there. I parked and joined them, greeted by a bright and welcoming smile from Nicky as I crossed the library threshold.

“Hey! I wasn’t expecting you tonight.”

I stuffed down the urge to lean across the desk and kiss her. Fucking cameras ruining the mood. “I won’t be staying long. I just wanted to see you.”

That brought out her blush.

“Is Hana here tonight?” I asked.

Nicky nodded. “She's taking me on a walk in the morning. A much flatter one than last time,” she said with a laugh.

“Good. I hope you’ll have some space in your schedule for me soon.”

Her blush crept down her throat and disappeared beneath her shirt. “I could make some time.”

“Tomorrow morning? Ladies choice on what we do.”

“Sounds great!” she said, her voice cracking.

“Perfect. You think about what you’d like to do with me.” I winked.

The burst of her scent and the little squeak she made were far too satisfying. I left her to her work and wandered over to see the rest of the pack.

“Fancy meeting all of you here.”

Hana blushed just as beautifully as Nicky, and she ducked her gaze as if I had caught her with her hand in the cookie jar. “A bunch of my clients had to cancel this morning, so we rescheduled the camp.”

“What are you all up to?” I asked.

“Making my eyeballs bleed while I help Tony look over financial statements,” said Billie.

“Oh? What are we looking for?”

“So,” said Tony, “you remember how I mentioned that Councillor Harvey was trying to strip the funding from this facility?”

I nodded.

“She has no actual plan for the money after that. That seemed a little weird to me, so I’ve been doing some digging, and it seems like every time she starts gunning for funding to be cut from something, that money just disappears. I’ve been poring through the city's financial statements and…”

“You think she's embezzling?” I asked.

“It certainly looks that way,” said Tony. “But I have to be able toproveit before I can say anything. I’m really not sure if this is a case where others are involved and they’re all splitting the money or if their accountant is simply negligent and hasn’t noticed. I don’t want Nicky to lose her job over this, but I also don’t want to losemyjob by reporting Harvey for something I can’t prove.”

I nodded along. “That makes sense.”

“But if youdidlose your job,” said Billie, “you wouldn’t be in any danger. You’re bonded to your sugar beta.”

Tony snorted. “I guess that's true. I’ll get as much information as I can and take the case to the council.”

“Do you need any help?” I asked.