The four of us stared at him, and my brain was instantly filled with images of Nicky spread out, her skin decorated in droplets of wax. Given the fact that our entire pack suddenly smelled like a gourmet coffee shop, I could only assume that the others were thinking something similar.

I’d had a vague inkling that Nicky would be into more than she was aware of, considering her response to being maneuvered by her hair or held still with a hand at her throat. I was eager to find out more. She and I may have slept naked together, but we hadn’t crossed any additional boundaries. I would probably wait for Hana's cue to take things further with Nicky, though that didn’t mean I couldn’t indulge my imagination in the meantime.

Our meeting came to a close, and I took Hana out for a walk in our gated community.

“Thoughts and feelings?” I asked her.

“Tony knewexactlywhat he was doing when he brought up the candles.”

I laughed. “One-hundred-percent. Are you planning on doing anything with that information?”

“That really depends on if she wants me too.” Hana shrugged. “I mentioned it on my walk with her, but that's as far as it's gone.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Did you, now? How did she react to that?”

“Positively, from what I could tell. But I’m pretty sure I need at least one date with her before I tie her up and ruin her.”

I slipped my arm around her waist. “Do you want that ruining to be private or would you like a little assistance for it?”

Hana purred. “You know I always love when I have your assistance.”

I kept her talking as we walked, teasing out her interests and expectations. Orchestrating things might go a bit far, but at least, if I knew what she wanted, then I could guide things away from any wayward paths.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go with them tonight?” I asked.

“I don’t want Nicky to feel like we’re crowding her,” Hana replied.

“I don’t think she minds having us visit her at the library. You only have one boot camp in the morning, don’t you?”

Hana nodded.

“I’m not saying this to rush you, but that might be a good time to see if you can take her out for a breakfast date. One where you don’t have her climbing mountains so you can carry on a proper conversation.”

Hana snorted. “I’ll consider it.”

I pulled her to a stop so I could steal a kiss. “That's all I ask.”

We did a second loop around the community, and I simply indulged myself in alone time with Hana. She was always more relaxed outside and in a quiet environment. I had never once doubted her love for our pack, or for me, but I did acknowledge that she was an introvert who needed her time and space to be happy.

The next few hours passed peacefully until I had to head into the club for work.

It wasn’t even an hour past the club’s opening when a young omega approached me, eyes panicked in the flaring lights.

“Can you please come help us?” She laid a hand on my arm and her fingers shook. “These guys won’t leave us alone.”

She looked a little like a much younger Nicky, with the same dark hair and wide, brown eyes. It sent a kick of adrenaline into my blood, and I followed her back the direction she’d come, sending word out over my earpiece. Another of the bouncers flanked us as she led us through the crowd to where a handful of intoxicated beta men were all over a group of college girls that were trying to extract themselves

I clapped a hand onto the nearest man’s shoulder. “Leave them alone.”

He spun, taking an immediate swing at me, but I was used to this song and dance, and he wasn’t faster than me. I caught his wrist and pulled him off-balance, sending him straight to the bouncer behind me. One down, three to go.

The others were just as feisty. I got near the second, and he hissed at me. “Fuck off, man. We’re just having a little fun.”

One of the omega women whimpered, and I muscled my way between her and the beta plastered to her. I spared a glance to my coworkers who had already pushed the first beta out of the facility. Focusing back onto the man in front of me, I caught his punch and spun him, wrenching his arm behind him. “If you don’t want an assault charge on your record, you and your friends will leave immediately.”

He struggled in my grip. “Fuck off.”

One of the others tackled me from behind. The girls screamed and scattered, the crowd properly taking notice of the altercation amid the music and dancing. They pushed to the edges and gave us room for me to flip the man over my head to roll and pin him face down on the ground. I had had enough training with Hana that I never worried too much about my well being at this job, even if I didn’t always make it out of these situations totally unscathed. Another of my coworkers dealt with the final beta, and we hauled the group of them outside to await the police.