Page 32 of Taste of Sin

“My pleasure.” The stubble on my chin grazes her delicate skin as I follow the curves of her body and I sink down, trailing my tongue over her stomach until I’m closer to where I need to be. I settle on my knees and nudge her legs apart, wrapping my lips around her clit. She purrs like a kitten when I suckle it. Sliding a finger inside I feel her hot, wet heat coating them. I drive another finger in, feeling her pulse around me. I pump them in and out bringing her close to the edge and then slide them out one by one. She groans in protest, and I replace them with my tongue. I savor the taste of her, letting her possess me instead of the other way around. She’s as much a part of me now as I am her. I take my fill, licking and sucking at her clit until her knees buckle. I shift forward, pinning her back to the shower wall and continue my assault on her pussy. Lapping at the sweet taste of her flowing out of her pussy and onto my tongue. When her climax eases, I trail back up her body.

“Mine.” I capture her mouth, letting her taste herself on my tongue and driving my declaration home. Her chest rising and falling in rhythm with my own. I’m high off the taste of her. My erection is still rock hard, pressing against her stomach but I’m uncharacteristicallysatiated, despite my hardness, just being near her.

When I turn off the water, she shivers from the sudden temperature change. I grab the nearest towel, draping it around her shoulders and lift her into my arms again. This time I place her on the bed, wrapping her up in the blankets like a gift because that’s what she is. A precious present given to me on Christmas morning when I should have deserved a stocking full of coal.

She curls up in the warmth of the blankets, sinking her head into the softness of the plush pillows while I slide on a pair of black boxers. The bed dips when I slide in next to her, draping my arm over her petite frame and pulling her close.Her breathing falls effortlessly despite her ordeal and that eases my worry.“I want to see my dad.”

“I’ll have him brought here tomorrow. Now get some rest.”

“No.” No? “I need to go home for a while. I need to see him and clear my head.”

“It’s not safe. Xander is still out there, and I can’t protect you if you're out of my reach.” To emphasize my point, I grab her waist and draw her tight against my chest. “Right here is the safest place in the world.”

“They’ll be looking for me here, surrounded by your army. They’ll never see me slip away. I promise I won’t stay long. I’m not sure I could breathe without you anymore.”

I dread letting her go but the realization that I’ve put her in this position hits me hard. I’ve offered every olive branch I can think of to prove my loyalty to her and while her walls are crumbling the cracks aren’t nearly large enough to fill with the reality that this is my life. Being my wife means this is her life too. I will do everything in my power to keep her safe, but my enemies will keep coming and I need to know she can handle that. Even more, I need to know she’s choosing it. Choosing me because she wants to not because she has no other choice. “For one day and then you come home or I’m coming to get you.”

“One day.” She snuggles her head against my chest, tickling my nose with her hair. I inhale her scent so deep in my lungs it replaces the oxygen I used to need to survive. Now all I need is her.

Call it a big fucking show of faith. She will return to me, willingly.

Chapter 20


It isn’t just me itching to carve revenge into the chest of Xander Castillo, Franco is out for blood as well. His wife was caught in the crosshairs of Xander’s revenge plot and fared far worse than my own. The fact Callie walked away without injury is a relief to me but there’s not a chance in hell either of us will let him off easy. You fuck with the devil; you get the horns. I plan to make Xander suffer. The river of crimson that will follow in our wake will carry him down into his eternal purgatory. I push the thought of Callie out of my head, her innocence threatens the sadism I’m about to bestow on my rival.

Flanked by five of the most ruthless men I know, we move in hot on Xander’s safe house. Franco stands shoulder to shoulder with me, my position as head of this business is irrelevant right now. He deserves his revenge, and he will have it. We both will.

On either side of us stand two of my best men. Dixon, despite his IQ, is a sharpshooter with a grudge of his own to settle with Xander dating back years. I haven’t bothered to press the subject with him but the bad blood between them is as deep as it gets. He’s been wading through that ocean of hatred since I met him. On the other side is Manny. He has no skin in this fight, but he’s been by my side since the start, and I trust him with my life.

Bringing up the back is Chainz, the President of the Krymson Destroyers MC. This seemed like a fitting opportunity to call in the favor he owes me. He was more than willing to oblige, and I can’t deny, I’m curious if the rumors are true about what he can do with the heavy chain hanging around his neck.

Kayden Blake, Carracci’s right-hand man rounds us out. The fact Carracci signed off on this hit and lent his best killer to our fight speaks volumes about my future with the Global Outlaws Syndicate. By the end of the day both my rivals will be six feet under and the monopoly on the underground drug market will be mine for the taking.

We have the element of surprise on our side as we surround the chop shop in an almost desolate industrial park, armed to the hilt. Sliding in through the unguarded door, we pass through the garage, weaving a path through several disassembled vehicles stripped down to the metal. Further in the back we find a small apartment and eight of Xander’s crew passed out on stained sofas, a broken recliner and shit dyed carpet, after a night of partying. By the looks of things, they drank their weight in beer and snorted more coke than they move on the streets.

A premature celebration, Asshole.

In a matter of minutes, our silencers pierce through the unexpecting flesh and bone of each one. The ensuing silence stretches around the room, wrapping me in a heaviness that is less than settling. The air is still and heavy, filling my lungs with anticipation and my nose with the stench of blood. Our heads snap in the same direction, caught off guard by the whooshing of a toilet. A door behind us cracks open and out stumbles a skinny blonde wearing a tattered t-shirt and not much else, her hair matted to the sides of her head and bruises up and down her arms and legs. Thepinpoint light of Kayden’slaser sight slides across her stomach and drags her gaze upward. I draw a finger to my lip when she gasps, her glossy eyes widen andher hand jerks to her mouth to catch her scream.

“Where’s Xander?” I whisper. She points to another door just to the side of the bathroom, with a river of tears streaming down her swollen cheeks. “Is he alone?”

A beat later, she nods her head. A wave of anger hits me in the gut. I might be a piece of shit, but this asshole is next level. I wonder if she knew what she was getting into. Is she just another junkie or a victim?

I decide to give her the benefit of the doubt, for now. “Go back in there and stay quiet. Don’t come out until we get you.”

I take a cautious step toward the door, reaching blindly for the handle and inch it open. Xander’s sprawled naked across a bed, the sheets stained with dried blood, a FN 5.7 caliber semi-automatic pistol on the floor and the remnants of cocaine coating a folding table off to the side.

Itoss the contents of a nearby solo cup, piss yellow liquid and grounded up cigarette butts, into Xander’s face. The splash snaps him awake, springing him off the bed like a rocket flew up his ass. “What the fuck is this?’

I level him with a cold-hearted glare. “I want you awake when you take your last breath.”

Xander dives for his gun and I kick it out of his reach with the tip of my shoe. He scrambles towards the door, and I spin around. His eyes snap about the room, taking in the gruesome state of his men. Their ghosts already haunting him by the shadows that darken his eyes. “Hijo de puta.”Son of a bitch.

Chainz catches Xander by the neck, his chain drawn tight in his fists as they stiffen around Xander’s throat. Chainz drags Xander to his feet. Without missing a beat, I aim my Colt 1911 at his head.

“I’ve been called worse.” I snap.