Page 33 of Taste of Sin

Xander tears at the chain, ripping his fingernails off in the process. He growls like a dog with no slack in his leash. The more he fights the harder Chainz tugs. Manny flips a wooden chair around and Chainz wrestles him into the seat, while Dixon rolls duct tape around his legs. “There’s no way out of this.”

Poking at the bloody nubs of Xander’s fingers, Franco tugs his arms down.

“Que te den.”Fuck you.Xander lashes out. I can feel his desperation pouring off him like a heat wave.

Chainz lets the chain around Xander’s neck slack when he’s securely fastened to the chair. Deprived of air, Xander’s head slumps forward. A hard slap to his face and he bolts upright.

“Stay awake mother fucker. We’re not done with you yet.” Franco spits out.

Spinning another chair around, I straddle the seat and lean forward nodding my permission for Franco to unleash his pent-up aggression. A grin twists at his mouth as he flips open a blade. Xander jumps and jolts the chair, but Chainz holds it in place. Without hesitation Franco drags his blade down Xander’s bare chest. A current of blood trails the blade and a stream of piss runs down Xander’s legs. “I’d cut your fucking nuts off Asshole, but I don’t want piss on my blade.”

Laughter erupts in the room, dulling Xander’s screams as Franco drives the knife deep into his chest. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Kayden pour a trail of gasoline along the floorboards.

Fitting end.

There’s a loud noise from the bathroom and my head jerks away from the carnage.

I forgot we have a witness.

“Get the girl.” I order, swiping at my vibrating cell phone. “I have other business to tend to today.”

It’s not in our nature to leave a witness breathing, but when I see her tremble in Dixons grip, a bit of Callie’s goodness trickles through me. I rise to my feet, “What happened here today?”

Her head bolts to the floor, “I don’t know. I left when I woke up. They were alive then.”

Smart girl.

Pulling a hundred-dollar bill from my wallet, I hold it out. “Do you have somewhere to go?”

She stares at the money in my hand, “I can buy a bus ticket to Boston. There are people I can stay with there.”

“People like these?” I question.

Her eyes dart up to mine, “God no. That fucker raped me.”

“Find her clothes.” I seethe.

A moment later Manny returns with a pair of faded jeans and black Vans. Dixon lets go of her shoulders and she tugs them on as fast as she can. Reaching into my wallet I withdraw another two Benjamins and push all three bills into the palm of her hand, curling her fingers around it. “No police. Go fast and don’t look back.”

I glance at my phone again. Time is running out on Victor's deal. I want Don Carlos’s fucking head too.

“Something more important pressing for your attention?” Kayden inquires.

I want to tell him to mind his fucking business but without his interference, Don Marco would still have his thumb on the back of my neck. “I found a way out. We need to hurry this along.”

He nods his understanding, “Then let’s get this shit done.”

Kayden picks up the containers and pours the contents onto Xander’s limp body. Pocketing my phone, I dig out a lighter. “Wake up mother fucker. I already told you; I want you awake when you die.”

“Killing me won’t stop him, Puto.”Asshole.

“Except soon he’ll be dead too.” Xander’s hemorrhaging fear with the flare of my lighter. “I’ll see you in hell.”

I drop the lighter into the carefully drawn trail of gasoline. The fire leaps to life, spreading along the path until it encircles Xander in a blazing inferno in mere seconds.

Our heavy footsteps thunder under our hastened movements as we dart from the building. Growling above the blazing flames, Xander’s screams are music to my ears. A series of pops quickens our steps as the building bursts into a raging inferno. The grand finale in a perfectly executed symphony. I’m brimming with smug satisfaction as I cross the asphalt toward our waiting SUVs, when an explosion suddenly rocks the foundation and sends me cannonballing to the ground.

“Fuck.” I curse out loud, dragging myself off the ground. Kayden and Chainz climb into the front vehicle and my crew, and I filter into the second. I slide into the passenger seat, while Franco takes the wheel and Manny and Dixon dive into the backseat. The doors are still slamming shut when the gas pedal hits the floorboard and we’re tearing out of there, topping out at an easy eighty before the police can be alerted.