Page 25 of Taste of Sin

“Chochete.”My little pussy.

It can’t be.

Suddenly I’m back in that car, his rough hands on my body, my pleas ignored as I beg him to stop. He paws at my dress, thrusting his hands where I don’t want them…

I spin on my heels making a complete three-sixty trying to pinpoint the voice that gives me nightmares. It seems to move around me, his sight escapes me. I know he’s nearby. I feel his eyes on me again only this time I feel the intensity of his anger. The same anger that came at me that night when he reached over me and shoved me out of the car when he was finished with me.

The lump in my throat catches my voice and robs my lungs of air. My heart thuds in my chest. His voice pricks at my senses. His last words to me slamming into me, driving me out of mind. “You're going to be begging me to be your salvation. Just wait and see.”

Why can’t I find him?

A hand brushes the back of my neck and rockets me back to the crowded room. I turn around, and my terrified eyes fix on Dominic’s. He catches my fear and draws me tight into his arms. “What’s wrong, Princess?”

“Is he here too?” I stutter.

Dominic’s eyes shift around the room, “Who?”

“Xander.” I whisper burying my face into the crook of his neck. Everyone’s eyes are on me, and their monotone whispers send a flood of embarrassment through me. I inhale Dominic’s scent deep into my lungs letting it calm my dizzying thoughts.

“Not unless he has a death wish. What happened?”

“I thought…” I trail off, lifting my head and doing my best not to make more of a spectacle of myself, “I thought I heard his voice. I’m sorry for embarrassing you. Maybe I had too much to drink.”

His eyebrows creep up a notch, “You could never embarrass me.” He kisses my head gently, still holding me close.

“Anyone aligning themselves with Xander Castillo is no ally of mine. You don’t want to see how I treat my enemies.” His voice is a roaring thunder now.

A look passes between us and my heart flips in my chest. This is more than his duty to protect me. There’s something raw and honest, primal, and territorial that makes my knees weaken. He drapes his suit jacket around my shoulders and tucks me under his arm, steering me towards the door.

As we near the exit, my eyes land on Don Marco’s black ones and a slow grin creeps across his face.


My heart is pounding harder and faster in the moments since we walked through the front door than it was at the height of my breakdown at the restaurant.

Dominic had his men search the facility high and low and found no signs of Xander, but I still can’t shake the feeling he was there. I can’t explain it, but I know what I heard.

What I felt.

I sit on the edge of the white leather sofa and shrug out of Dominic’s suit jacket. Reaching down, I unbuckle the strap of one of my heels when Dominic kneels in front of me. He takes the heel of my shoe in his hand and slides it off my foot gently placing my bare foot onto the plush rug. His warm hand caresses my other calf as he raises my leg to rest on his thigh. His touch inches lower, slipping the strap loose and sliding the remaining shoe off.

He massages my calf, gently stretching the muscle by straightening my leg. I lean my head back, releasing a soft moan as the tension eases from my body. Inch by inch he works his fingers deep into the pads of my foot. Tingles ignite into pulses, each one getting stronger and shooting straight to my core. I press my lips shut but I can’t fight the orgasm building as he massages my toes and when he hits a spot right below my ankle, my blood pounds with each contraction shooting up my leg and exploding deep inside of me. My eyes lock on his as my body melts into a deep release. A smug grin crosses his face.

“That’s my girl.” He slides his hands up my leg and under my dress, skimming his finger across the outside of my soaking wet panties. “Wet. Just how I like you.”

“How did you do that?” I pant, desperately needing him to keep touching me.

“There are so many ways I can make you come.” His finger slips under my panties, “That was one.”

I’m whirling from the high of his touch. No one has ever made me feel so much by doing so little and I’m desperate for more. I need to feel every bit of what he can do to my body to shake off this feeling of dread looming inside of my chest.

“Show me.” I arch my back and lift myself off the couch just enough for him to rip my panties down. I relax again when his fingers trail back up my thighs inciting an instant heat that sets my skin on fire.

He continues higher, claiming my body in all the ways I need. He reaches the apex of my thighs and slides a finger inside me. I instantly moan at the sensation building when another slips in, by the time he adds a third my climax is climbing. At the same time, his thumb circles my swollen clit and I shudder with the jolt of pleasure he’s bringing me.

“You like that?” he murmurs against my thigh. His face is so dangerously close to my throbbing pussy, I can feel the heat from his breath scorching me. I’m on fire and in desperate need of release.

“More.” I beg, “I’m so close.”