Page 24 of Taste of Sin

“Of course, you don’t. For a quick and hushed marriage, I’m not sure who got the better deal in this secret arrangement of yours.”

I shoot him a pointed stare and lead Callie away before things can get any worse, but he’s already planted a seed that I can’t let nourish.

“Can you believe that man?” Callie huffs, “First of all I’m not his sweetheart and second of all…”

I cut her off planting a kiss on her fiery lips. Her tense body wilts in my arms, and she lets out a whispered moan. Her delicate scent invades me, and her soft body pressed against my hard one drowns out the rest of the world. For a moment it’s a distraction for me as much as it was meant for her.

When I pull back, the flush on her checks pulls at me. I’m pleased I have the same effect on her as she has on me. “We should eat now but when we get home later, I want that dress on the floor.”

“Umm… ok.” She replies dipping her eyes to the floor as embarrassment fills her eyes.

My fingers graze her chin and I lift her face up, “I told you before. Keep your eyes on me.”

I drop my hand from her face and cup her hand in mine as we stroll towards the table. I pull out her chair and she takes a seat, draping the linen napkin on her lap. I’m jealous of its proximity to the parts of her I want to bury myself in. I slide into the chair next to her and adjust myself under the table.

Dinner is served and the chatter continues around the room, but I’m distracted. I’m on the cusp of something big. An unprecedented move that will rocket me to heights I’ve only dreamed off. It doesn’t matter how many zeros are in my net worth, the businesses I own, legal and otherwise, or the power I yield on my streets, I’m still that young boy striving for more. I can taste it.

Somewhere between dinner and dessert, a heavy hand lands on my shoulder, anchoring my attention on the man standing behind me. “Carracci would like you to join him on the veranda.”

Finally, I get the opportunity I’ve been fighting for all night. I shift my attention to Callie, who’s pleasant conversation with the woman sitting next to her has already been disrupted as she focuses on the tall man behind me.

“I won’t be long.” I place a soft kiss on the back of her hand and return it to her lap. She gives me a small smile, the best parting gift I could ask for under the circumstances.

Kaden Blake, Cal’s right-hand man, leads me across the room, I tug at the collar on my jacket and cut a glare at Don Marco as I stroll past him and push through the glass door leading outside. The afternoon was unusually hot, but the night air is humid and still as I cross the veranda to where Cal Carracci is waiting with his back toward the restaurant. An unusual move for a man of his caliber, taking his eyes off his surroundings. When I glance around, I see why he’s so relaxed. I count at least three men strategically placed in the shadows. “Ignore them, we can speak freely out here.”

I lean against the black iron gate separating the veranda from the river. The water is as still as the night air and as dark as the sky. “Looks like a storm is coming.”

“From where I stand it looks like we already have one.” Cal retrieves two cut cigars from the inside pocket of his jacket, handing one to me.

“You might be right.” I accept the offer. The complex rich flavor hits my palate as I pull in the first draw. Cal effortlessly puffs his own, letting out a cloud of smoke that lingers above our heads, skewing the reflection of light on the surface of the river.

“I wouldn’t be in my position, if I was wrong often.” Cal’s eyes cut to mine, “What I don’t know is how deep in it you are and how we get you out.”

“We?” I had every intention of asking for his help but until now there were no reassurances that I would get it. Don Marco is one of his men as well and an internal war is never good for morale.

He nods his head slightly and puffs on the cigar in his hand. “Don Marco has been a thorn in my side since he was forced to step down. His ego doesn’t allow him to see our greater purpose. He’s arrogant and greedy. What about you?”

“I can’t argue that.”

“Do you have a greater purpose, Dominic? Do you know who you serve and why?”

I silently contemplate my response while Cal patiently waits for an answer. I’ve always served myself. I’ve had to in order to survive. Even under Don Marco my moves were strategic. What best suited my current situation and gave him just enough kickback to let me have free reign to claim the power I crave. I turn around, leaning on the rail and take a good hard look inside. I’m not sure what I’m searching for until I see it. “That’s karmic justice for you. You can spend your life serving only yourself. Building up walls to keep others out and then one day it all flips on its head. Suddenly your life becomes about someone else and their needs, their safety is all that matters anymore.” Cal positions himself to see what I see. Callie holding a glass of champagne with a smile on her lips. She’s enjoying herself tonight, tossing back her hair and laughing at something someone said like she has nothing to worry about. “I serve her. I want to keep that smile on her face. The way I see it, I do that with the help of my partners and by using any means necessary. I won’t apologize for that. That’s my greater purpose. Family.”

Cal chucks his cigar into the river below, “I’ve always wondered what secrets lie below the surface of this river.”

I cock my brow and glance below watching as the water ripples. “I don’t think there’s as many secrets as there are bodies.”

“One in the same, if you ask me. Prepare yourself for what's coming. Lines will be crossed, and loyalties tested but when the dust settles, we’ll be stronger. United. Steadfast. All powerful, and cockroaches like Don Marco will get what they deserve.” Cal pushes off the railing and strides away leaving me standing there with a warning. Of what though, I’m still not certain.

Chapter 16


Despite the nefarious dealings going on all around me, I find myself having a good time. I enjoy a glass of expensive champagne, its flavor exploding on my lips with each sip. Someone says something funny, and I find myself laughing at the light feeling in the room. Shattering the anxiety, I was feeling into a thousand pieces so I can easily sweep them away. I glide around the room taking it all in and keeping a casual eye out the glass door. I watch as Dominic puffs on a cigar with a man I haven’t met yet. By the way he carries himself and the guards surrounding him, I gather he’s someone of importance.

I play my role as dutiful wife to the best of my ability and slowly let my guard down. I partake in idol conversation while paying close attention to the deals going on around me. This is how I’ll learn what truly committing myself to a mob king will be like and if I can get a glance into why Don Marco has a hard-on for my father and is so interested in my family’s business, it’ll be a bonus.

I make my way around the room, exchanging the empty glass of champagne for a fresh one. A tingle pricks my skin. Feeling eyes on me, I slowly turn toward the veranda expecting to find Dominic watching me again but he’s not. I shake off the feeling and sip my champagne. There’s a myriad of voices surrounding me, but suddenly I’m drawn to one familiar and unexpected one.