Page 2 of Outside the Wire

The girl gives a small wave and a smile my way. I return her smile before being drug over to another couple. "This is Gauge and his newest girlfriend, Laura. They are all wrapped up in each other so they might not be around if you know what I mean."

I don't but I can guess. They look busy so I look away from them and over to my sister who is making her way over to me. "Come on, Lex, I'll show you which room is yours."

She's super quiet the whole way up the stairs and I wonder where Jim went. God, I hope they aren't fighting over me or that I'm not causing them any stress. I want Jim and his friends to like me so I can stay close to my sister, but if it's going to be a problem for her then I will stay away. She's given up so much for me, it's the least I can do to make sure she is happy at last.

We turn down a hall and Libby opens a door for me but this isn't a bedroom. It's an office. Jim is sitting behind the desk looking over a file. He doesn't even look up when we come in. Libby tells me where to sit and then goes behind the desk to stand at Jim's shoulder and all of a sudden I feel like I'm about to be grounded by my two parents for something I did.

"We are so glad you are finally here with us, Lex. I want your stay to be a good one so don't feel like you can't reach out for your sister when you need her." It's spooky when he does that whole reading minds thing but he pretty much got straight to the heart of my fear. I don't say anything and let him continue, "It's my hope that you come to see us all as your extended family."

What? Does that he going to marry my sister? I look down to keep the giddy happy feeling inside just in case that isn't where he is going with all of this.

"But...," My eyes flash to his. There's a but, " not everyone here is who you think they are. All of these men are dangerous on their best days and deadly on their worst."

I want to look around but I keep my head down again. I have the weirdest sense of being watched though - and not by Jim who is staring me down every time I look up at him. His words do nothing to take away the fear I have of not being able to fit in with these people.

"I know your sister has told you some of what is going on but we've left out a portion of it for your protection - until now." I give in to the urge to look behind me but all I see are shadows. My knee starts jostling up and down. "Lex, you're aware we’re all retired military men who fought for this country but we were more than average soldiers. Not that that’s not hard enough."

He waits for me to say something. "You mean like special forces?"

"Among other things. My men’s names were included on a list of other covert assets and sold to the highest bidder. Someone - someone we trusted - sold us out and forced us into retirement." Oh, that sucks. "But whoever it was had other plans for me and my men. They started hunting us down, sending men to bring back our heads for confirmation that we have been dealt with." That's worse. I shoot worried eyes up to Libby. Is she safe with Jim?

"They got three of my men before I caught on and have tried to kill us a handful of times since." My mouth drops open at how causal he sounds about an attempt being made on his life. I lean forward like he is telling a story and getting to the really good part. "We're not that easy to kill."

Again the sensation of being watched flutters over me causing me to break out in goosebumps.

"The only reason I can think of for them wanting to kill us so damn bad is that we know who the seller is. We've worked with him or for him or...something that would start clicking for us over time so we could identify him." That can't be good but what does all of this mean? "It means until we find out who it is, more people will come."

"Libby?" Yeah, that is pretty much confirmation that she is not going to be safe with this man.

"I know how to protect myself and your sister. After the last time, I left to...straighten some things out I don't think they are going to send any more men after me - or your sister." How the hell did he straighten things out if they are too afraid to come after him now? "But my men aren't so safe. It is my responsibility to keep them safe, Lex."

"Okay." I understand responsibility and feeling a need to watch over others.

"Four months ago, one of my best men was out on a recon mission. Simple in and out." I don't think there is anything simple about what he is talking about. "Someone told them he was coming and they shot him - six times."

I gasp and my mouth falls back open. My ass is on the edge of my chair waiting to find out what all this has to do with me.

"I tell you this because sometimes to trap a beast you have to encircle them." He lost me. All I can think about are early humans trying to take down woolly mammoths or something. "One of those men who sold my man out is here with us."

"Oh my God!"

"None of the people you saw downstairs is that man. The reason I had you meet them is so you can tell the difference between my men and this man." He isn't talking about facial recognition or name recall. He wanted me to see what kind of men he works with so I would know to run to one of them. "Normally I would do everything in my power to make sure you aren't involved in this mess but I find that I have a need to keep Libby close to me and when that need is divided between the need to watch and protect my men I don't do so well." He takes Libby by the hand and guides her to his lap bringing her hand to his lips for a kiss.

"I promise you I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and let you have a normal summer with your sister but to do that I have to have your help."

"Okay. I'll do anything I can." I'm not sure how I am going to be able to help.

"Excellent, then I want you to meet your new boyfriend."

No one moves or says anything for so long I start to think I heard him wrong until a large man emerges out of the shadows to glare down at me. He has the bluest eyes I have ever seen but the darkest presence as well.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand."

"They want me to be your babysitter." A deep voice that is not Jim's answers me and I find I don't like what the answer is.

