Page 1 of Outside the Wire




"Don't be afraid of any of them. They look big and scary but really they're just big babies." Libby is telling me not to be afraid but that's easy for her to say. She's worked with these men, these soldiers, for months now. She's used to them towering over her and trying to boss her around. Not that she would let anyone boss her around. That's another reason it's easy for Libby - she's a ball buster. She isn't going to take shit from anybody.

Me? I can't get the lady at the DMV to change the address on my driver's license - even when I ask nicely – let alone tell these men what to do. So here we sit in her brand new car that her boyfriend Jim gave her, waiting to go into this big ass house so I can start my summer vacation with my sister.

Jim's cool. I've met him. He stopped over at the apartment before we packed everything up and moved it here. They're building a house together somewhere on this vast sprawling land. All the men are or will build here. Some of them already have homes built but some of them are in the process. I thought she was crazy when she said she wanted to pack up our stuff and move to the 'Compound' but apparently it's the safest place to be what with all the military men roaming around. Jim tried to pack her stuff up months ago but she told him I needed time to say goodbye to the apartment we moved into after mom and dad...passed.

Thank God she did because I've been home for a full week and it feels like nothing is the same. Not even Libby. She's always been so serious and more so since she took over taking care of me but now she seems...happy, lighter, more relaxed with everything and everyone around her. It looks good on her but I would be lying if I said it didn't make me a little jealous. What would it be like to have that reassurance that you fit with someone? That you have someone who loves you no matter what?

I have Libby and she loves me unconditionally but it isn't the same. She almost has to because she's related to me. I mentally shake myself out of my thoughts. It wouldn't matter if I had someone or not. I don't have time for a relationship. It's what I told Brandon when he asked me to go out with him a couple of times. I can tell he likes me but I just don't feel anything for him other than friendship and it would be wrong to lead him on.

Maybe I'm broken because I don't feel anything. I didn't have a high school boyfriend either. I look over at Libby and think about asking her but this is probably the wrong time to have that conversation.

"I'll be alright, Lib. You worry too much."

She gives me an uncertain look before opening her door. Before she can step out of the car Jim is out the door. They are too cute. I don't even try to hide my smile as I get out on the other side.

"Did you have any trouble?"

"Nope. The movers will be here with the stuff tomorrow."

"Excellent." He kisses her and then looks over at me. "Ready to see your new room and meet all of the boys?"

My eyes round as he leads us into the house. "If you need anything you ask any of them and they will make sure that you are taken care of."

We come into a living room area where some of the men are lounging. On the couch is a younger man, closer to my sister's age maybe, who is flopped out as much as a human can be. His hair has reddish highlights but when he sees us come in he jumps up.

"Lexi!" He comes over and takes my hand before I can offer it to him. "We have heard so much about you. But your sister never mentioned how absolutely beautiful you are. Be still my heart." He gives me a goofy smile that softens the heavy flirting he's doing.

"Back off, Remy." Jim barks at the man but he doesn't seem to care if his life is in danger as he still holds on to my hand and brings it to his lips. I can't help but blush.

"You're freaking the kid out for fucks sake. I'm Steve, his cousin. Don't let him bother you, he didn't get enough oxygen when he was born and it's affected him ever since."

Steve is a big guy with more brown than red hair but I can spot the family resemblance in the shape of their faces and their similar accents. I think I remember Steve coming to tell me I had to wait to call my sister because something was going on back in January. Remy still doesn't let go of my hand but pulls me further into the room. I turn to look back at my sister and Jim but they aren't paying me any attention. Instead, they are having a conversation with their heads close together. They look like they are angry whispering at one another.

"Let me do the introductions, cher. I know all the dirt and where the bodies are buried." Remy moves us over to two other men sitting around a chessboard. They look like exact copies of each other except one of them has a long scar down his cheek. It makes him look dark and dangerous and sets him apart from the other man.

"These two ugly sons of bitches are Duncan and Dante." The men turn and the one without the scar offers me a smile and a wave. "Duncan is the pretty one. Dante...well, we're still trying to teach him some manners but he's mostly harmless now that the meds have kicked in."

I try to school my face to not show my surprise. The big dark man moves before speaking, "Remy you fucker, someone needs to teach you a lesson."

Remy laughs and dances away from him. "See the pills just aren't working. I guess it's because he's such a big son of a bitch."

"Don't listen to anything Remy says, doll. My brother isn't on meds but he's going to put Remy in traction one day." Duncan stands and takes my hand in his for a friendly shake. "Remy yanks everyone's chain. You just have to look over him. Or trip him, whatever you feel like."

I step back putting a safe distance between me and him. Not that he's trying to get all up in my space. Duncan takes my elbow and turns me towards a couple sitting in front of the television in one chair. "This is Ace and Evie. She's his better half by far."

The woman has different colors in her red hair ranging from blue to light pink. She's tiny and easily fits in his arms. He's tall and lean and blonde. They look like they go together. "Hi!"

Evie seems friendly when she holds out her hand for a shake. She shakes so hard she nearly falls off the man's lap but he catches her easily and cuddles her back into him giving me a head nod. "Don't worry about these guys. You'll get used to them. Take no shit and leave no prisoners. Or something like that."

She makes me smile. For the first time, I think this summer won't be so bad.

"Oh, let me." She tells Duncan as she hops up and moves to a quiet redhead sitting in the chair next to them. "This is my sister-in-law, Ana. She is awesome. You'll love her. I think you guys go to the same college."