“Mhm,” she moaned before clearing her throat, not wanting me to know that she was indeed playing with herself.
“Move your hand, now.”
“What for?”
“Thought you weren’t playing with yourself, Ms. Greysen.”
“Fuck you.”
“Don’t touch yourself again until you’re in my presence.”
“Fuck you. You’ll never see me again.”
She ended the call before I could respond.
Ms. Greysen was going to be fun.
The last few days have been very confusing for me. It started when Diesel called me and told me to meet him. Told me. He didn’t ask. After Elle told me to double text him and I didn’t want to, she tried to snatch my phone and it sent him a message anyway. That annoyed me so bad that I ended up having to double text him anyway. I was not expecting him to call me. Damn sure wasn’t expecting him to give me a command and I follow it. I barely knew that man. He told me to show up right then, like he was already there waiting for me, but he wasn’t even there and didn’t even show up for nearly an hour. My dumb ass really sat there and waited while I talked on the phone to Elle, who was only a few feet away. I couldn’t even believe that she let me wait when normally, she was the one who was very hard on men. When her overly animated ass got my attention, letting me know that he was approaching, my mouth nearly hit my chest. He was built like a Greek god. He had on shorts, stopping in the middle of his thick hard thighs and no shirt. His body was hard and veiny as hell. I’d never seen anything like that in my life.
All that fawning went out the damn window when he opened his arrogant ass mouth. His words were not laced with empathy or sympathy. Everything that came out of his mouth sounded like a command. Not only did he seem like a mean commanding asshole, but he also just up and told me that I’d be his submissive. Diesel really told me that and ran away from me like I’d just agree to it. Elle was still on speaker and heard everything. She was way more turned on than I was. He had me speechless, but I wasn’t turned on in the slightest. I had many many hours to think about it. I’d finally gotten up the nerve to text and tell him, trying to shut it down so he wouldn’t pursue me, if that was in the cards. But then he called me…
I should have known he’d call because he’d already told me that he was not a texter. When he called, I’d fully expected him to be adamant about me joining his lifestyle, giving me reasons why it would be beneficial for me. Never was I expecting him to get me turned on and then shut it down as fast as he did. My body reacted because I hadn’t been talked to like that in so long. If someone asked me when the last time I had phone sex, I wouldn’t be able to tell them. His voice didn’t sound much different over the phone, but I still hung on to every word. Every command that he’d given me, I’d followed with no hesitation. My pussy was soaked from the moment he’d told me to touch my nipple. I hadn’t had sex in years. Elle been telling me that I needed to get the cobwebs knocked off, but that had been the least of my worries. Trying to heal myself had been my number one priority.
Never did I think that my hanging up on Diesel would cause me to be in my head so much. Honestly, I thought he’d at least try to win me over a little more. It’s been radio silence from him since I’d hung up the phone. He was a fine ass, rich ass, Black man. I was sure that he had women falling all over him. That was probably his model, ask one time, and when that didn’t work, he’d use that sexy ass commanding voice to entice them through phone sex, and when that didn’t work, he’d just lose the contact information.
Blinking, I looked at Ms. Neal, who was looking at me with a concerned look on her face. We’d been sitting in the breakroom during lunch and my mind drifted to Diesel like it had been doing every time my brain got a free moment.
“Yes. Hi.”
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve been having some very spaced-out moments this week. Another teacher talked to me about that yesterday. She said you were sitting so still as she called your name that she thought you were having a stroke.”
I chewed on my bottom lip while staring at her.
“I’m fine, really. Trying to plan for the Summer. That’s all.”
“Oh, I thought it may have been because of your ex.”
Thanks.I hadn’t thought about him in several days. My mind had been heavily preoccupied with Diesel. The man asked me if my pussy was fat, and I’d been staring at it in my hand mirror for at least twenty minutes every day before and after my showers. I didn’t know what was wrong with me.
“Oh okay. You know you can tell me if you need a few days off.”
“I know.”
When the bell rung, I’d bolted from the break room. As I was walking to the classroom that I was in for the day, I pulled my phone from my pocket just to see if I had a message from Diesel, but I didn’t. So, I texted Elle.
Me:I have zoned out again. When does the initial crush phase go away?
Elle:Stop being a hard ass and just text him. You’ve already played with your pussy for him. Why you can’t text him?