Me:I don’t want to seem thirsty. Oh my God. You know how many women he’s probably got lined up to play with their pussies on the phone? I am sure that I am one of many.

Elle:And what you worried about them for? You single. Just have fun, Greyyyy. Damn. That nigga is rich AF! & you worried about other women, for whattttt! OMG!!

Me:I mean… You think that he’s even into me like that. He’s prob disgusted that he couldn’t pull the fat girl on one conversation.

Elle:Here we goo!! You are not fat. You big boned. But no for real, Grey, you are not fat. I don’t know how many times I got to tell you that. And even if you were fat, have you seen your fucking face??? You are a beauty. And don’t dress up, and put your makeup on. Whew!! If I was BI!!!

Me:I can’t stand you. Walking in class. Love you later.

Slipping my phone in my pocket, I was going to force my brain not to think about Diesel for the rest of the day.

Packing up my bag, I was so happy that the day was over. Every time I felt I was zoning out; I’d stand up and walk around. It was a little weird, but it helped.

“Hey, Ms. McCree. I’m glad I caught you.”

At the door stood the assistant principal.

“Hey, Mr. Smith. How are you?”

Although he and I were in high school at the same time, we both always tried to keep it professional at work.

“I will walk with you to your car.”

I snapped my bag. “Okay.”

I’d hoped that Ms. Neal hadn’t blabbed to the principal anyway. That was one of my biggest issues about working with older women. You would think that they had your back, but the first chance they got to stab you in the back, they’d do it. He didn’t speak until we’d gotten outside.

“So, what are your plans for the Summer?”

I was hoping he was about to ask me if I wanted a Summer job because the Lord knew I needed the little extra coin. Maybe I’d take myself on a nice weekend to Key West or something.

“Honestly, today, I don’t have anything planned. You?”

There was a pregnant pause, prompting me to look up at him.

“I was wondering if…”

He pushed his hands in his pocket.

“This is going to be weird, and you can absolutely say no if you want, but… would you like to go on a date with me this weekend?”

Taken aback, I whispered, “Oh.”

He was right; it was weird because Abel Smith and Kyle Hertz were the best of friends from the time they were in grade school, up until he was supposed to be the best man in our wedding. He’d come in the house one day, steaming mad telling me that he and Abel were no longer friends and asking me to cease communication with him. As a good and loyal girlfriend, I did what I was told and ceased communication with him. That’d been many years ago.

“And if I weirded you out, please tell me, so I won’t ask you again,” he spoke quickly.

Before I could say anything, we’d rounded the building toward the parking lot and two people were standing near my car, dressed like they wereMen in Blackextras.

“Are you in some kind of trouble, Greysen?”

My heart started to race. There weren’t many scenarios where two people dressed in black suits would need to talk to me about anything.

I shook my head. “No.”

“Should I call the police?”

“What if they are the police?”