Page 193 of Captivated By Danger

Sir:I miss you. on my way to you.

He’d gone back to New York over a week ago. That’s pretty much how it’s been for the last several months. He’d come stay for a week or so, and then be gone for like two. That was the hardest part, being without him for so long. My idle mind really worried him, so he really didn’t want me alone for extended periods of time.

Me:You miss me, or you want your dick sucked.

Sir:Both. How is my baby? Why haven’t you sent me a picture of y’all?

I honestly got chills every time he talked abouthis baby.It was alwaysmy babythis andmy babythat. I never got tired of hearing it.

Me:I sent you one yesterday. I’ll stand in front of the ring light when I get home.

I opened my camera and snapped a quick picture of me with more of my stomach in my picture, then sent it to him. My stomach sat up perfectly and I just knew it was a girl. It’s exactly how my stomach was the first time. My hair was pulled to the top of my head because my neck was hot.

Sir:Pretty woman. Plump ass lips. Look at my son. He been kicking.

Me:*She is kicking me right now.

Sir:Because you think he’s a she and he don’t like that.

Me:Whatever. Guess what I’m about to do.

Sir:What’s that?

Me:Swipe your card.

Sir:You know that gets my dick hard.

Me:For our daughter, perv. Bye!

Sir:lol. I love you, Greysen MD.

Me:I love you back, Diesel D.

* * *

We were walkingaround the mall for hours and neither one of us had bought anything for the kids yet. Our driver had gone to the truck twice. That was the only time he’d left our side. Since it was the holidays, both Diesel and Dymon said we were to have security and we couldn’t argue against it. Elle had finished her last client and joined us. When we finally made it to the baby store, it smelled like babies, and that gave me a rush of energy.

When we made it to the baby clothes, I watched Quinci intensely to see what color Quinci would navigate toward. I rolled my eyes when her ass darted right to the white onesies.

She looked at me and laughed. “I know you’re watching, Greysen.”

“Wouldn’t it be easier if we knew the sex?” Elle asked, and then slightly winked at me.

Quinci hadn’t even told Elle because she knew that she would break down and tell me because she couldn’t hold water.

“Nope. They even have a gender neutral package right here,” Quinci said.

I huffed and puffed as we walked throughout the store.

“Oh, Grey, I saw your folks the other day. Ya mama turned her nose up and acted like she didn’t see me, but your pops spoke. You still ain’t talked to your mom?”

I looked at Elle.

“No. My father and I talk all the time. He told me about how her and Grams are upset that they had to find out from the internet that I was expecting. I was even surprised that my father told her that he already knew.”

Part of my less stressful pregnancy journey meant that I didn’t go around the people who do not make me feel good about myself and that’s her and her mother. My father comes out and visits me once a week and we go out for lunch or dinner every other week. We’ve only had one conversation about them, and he no longer brings them up. I was already closer to my father, but we’ve bonded even more. He’s so excited to be a grandfather. He and Diesel are also building their own relationship and that makes me so happy. My father hated my ex-husband.

“Do you ever plan on talking to her?” Quinci asked.