Page 192 of Captivated By Danger

I’m excited this week because if anything was to happen to me, this is a semi-safe premature delivery week. Baby X is growing great, but constantly sitting on my bladder. I’m also excited this week because we get to go baby shopping and Christmas shopping and Daddy will be home too. My due date is getting closer and closer, and the nerves are starting to settle in. I have to leave this table because my idle mind is starting to get to me.

Quinci had finally convinced me to get up and start buying stuff for the baby’s room. I kept telling her that I didn’t want to jinx myself like last time. Quinci told me that I’d regret letting an interior designer do the room. She said that it gives her comfort whenever she went in her room, and it was her own personal touch. I didn’t know why that was the statement that got to me, but I guess I didn’t want to go in my kid’s room and another woman’s touch was all over it.

Quinci stuck her head in the door. “Hey, girl. You ready?”

“Yes. I’m about to slip my shoes on now.”

Even though it was December, it was still hot in Citrus Grove and with this little prince or princess taking up space in my body, it was even hotter for me, so I’d been wearing as little clothing as possible. After slipping on my shoes, I stepped to the mirror and turned to the side and my belly was doing the most. Though this pregnancy has been so easy, I was still nervous as hell. They kick during the day, rest during the night, and I felt ungrateful for not enjoying that. My last pregnancy. I was enjoying all the aches and the pain that came along with that. Now that I’m having hardly any of that, I’m not even enjoying it.

“Ready,” I said, walking in the kitchen.

Quinci was sitting on Dymon’s lap, kissing him, making me miss my man. I’d checked out of the resort and was living with Quinci and Dymon. When Diesel finally went back to work, I was sad as hell. I’d gotten used to waking up watching him work from across the room. I didn’t think I could find him sexier, but listening to him talk business and numbers, got my kitty going. Once he left, he was adamant about me not being alone, so he moved me into Quinci and Dymon’s house. I could have been going back and forth with him, but my doctor was here, and I’d still be alone for extended periods of time. They accepted me with open arms, and you would think that Diesel was paying them to take care of me. All Quinci let me do was eat, sleep, and yoga. She didn’t let me cook or clean.

“Alright. I will call you later, Mr. Dymon and do not hold Dymani the whole time I’m gone. I’m not playing,” she scolded him.

“See you ladies later,” Dymon said.

“Acknowledge what I said, please.”

“I will not hold our daughter the whole time you’re gone.”

“Thank you.”

They shared a kiss before we left the house. Since we were going a couple cities over, I knew we would have a driver, which I was slightly thankful for because I’d rode with Quinci a few times and she drove like a mad woman.

“Can I ask you why you call your husband, Mr. Is that like a kink thing between you two?”

She laughed. “Well, you know I am his assistant and when I first met him, that’s what I called him. It just stuck, that’s all. I love it. He loves it too.”

“Oh, that makes it even cuter then.”

As the driver pulled out of the yard, I looked at my house that the workers were putting the finishing touches on.

“Your house will literally be ready in days. Are you excited?”

I looked at Quinci who was beaming with excitement.

“Yes, I’m getting there.”

Diesel didn’t want me doing anything but focusing on my pregnancy, so working my assistant teacher job was out of the question. When I mentioned that he was jealous of Abel, he got mad and spanked me, pregnant and all. However, we did agree that I could take two of my easier classes toward my degree. I’d taken my final test yesterday for the second class and I’d already gotten my final grade of an A.

“I don’t think I’ll be completely excited until I’m holding him…” I paused, hoping that Quinci would give me an inkling of a hint, but she didn’t. “Or her in my arms.”

“If you don’t let me throw you a baby shower, you won’t know the sex until you are holding him or her in your arms.”

She’d known what I was having for months now, and it was killing me. Because Diesel also wanted me to have a baby shower, he was fully onboard with Quinci hiding the sex of our baby. Even Dr. York was in on it. She wouldn’t turn the big screen on in the room, she would look at her personal screen and just tell me that everything was looking good.

“But it won’t be that many people there.”

“And who cares? You have a couple friends that just want to celebrate and spoil you. It doesn’t matter who’s there or who isn’t.”

“You’re right, but, I guess, it’s just… you know.”

“Yes, I know, but we are not going to think about that. Okay?”


My phone vibrated in my hand, and I looked to see that Diesel had sent me a text. When I opened it, there was a link, which meant that he’d sent me something nasty. When I opened it, there was a picture of me on my knees in front of him, with his nut on my face. My face hadn’t changed much at all, which was a stark difference between my last pregnancy. The major difference I noticed was my lips were bigger.