“Can we go somewhere private and talk?”
I thought about it for a moment. I had the option of spending time with a woman who’s reminiscing on fucking my man, or a man who’s not on the approved list of the man who’s probably fucked half of the women in New York. Honestly, I choose neither, I just wanted to go home.
“Not tonight… Aaron, is it? But you can walk me to the door.”
Pulling my phone out of my clutch, I called Tom.
“Tom,” he answered.
“Hi. Coming out.”
“You have a driver,” Aaron asked as held the door open for me.
He jumped in front of me, turned around, and started walking backwards.
“Who are you?”
“Nobody, really.”
“Well, I’ll guess I’ll see you in class, Ms. Greysen,” Aaron said as he held the entry door open for me.
I smiled at him, but I cringed on the inside when he called me that because his voice was not deep and sexy like Diesel’s. I hated myself for comparing any other man to Diesel because I felt like I’d be doing that for many years to come. Tom stood at the back of the car with the door open. Once he closed me inside, I pulled my phone out to finally read Diesel’s text.
I rolled my eyes and closed my clutch.
I’m not texting him back.
“Tom. Can you stop at that daiquiri place on that corner?”
“Yes ma’am.”
I couldn’t take it, I had to text back.
Me:What that mean?
I stared at the screen until Tom came to a stop and put the car in park.
“What kind?”
“Strawberry, please.”
I knew he was just trying to get me worked up. When I got back to the house, I was going to ignore him and go to my room. We were supposed to be sleeping together tonight, but I didn’t even care if that happened or not. He had the emotions of a twelve-year-old boy going through puberty and I didn’t have time for it. It didn’t take long for Tom to get back with my drink.
“Thank you.”
He nodded his head like he always did. One thing I could see myself getting used to was having someone wait on me hand and foot. That felt lovely. The first sip of that daiquiri really hit the spot. With the weekend traffic, it took nearly thirty minutes to get home but I was happy because hopefully, Diesel was not around to bother me. He dropped me off in front of the elevator and didn’t pull away until I’d gotten on and the doors closed. When the doors opened, Diesel was leaning against the wall pulling on a blunt. It was like Déjà vu, but he wasn’t in a suit. He was in a pair of Nike tech pants, shirtless. The three gold chains were laid perfectly around his neck.
Head up high. Ignore.
I held my breath as I started off the elevator. As soon as I got by him, he started speaking.
“Ms. Greysen, am I wasting my money sending you to Columbia?”