“This is how you get chose, sitting over here looking pretty. There aren’t many of us Black girls here, so it’s easy to get chosen,” Ariel said. “At least that’s what I heard about this place.”
“What you mean?” I asked.
“Well, I heard that sometimes these socials are held for rich men to pick out their next mistress, you know. Get paid to get laid.”
She snapped her fingers and laughed. Ariel already seemed like a fun girl, but I already had a fun girl in my life, there was no room for another one.
“I keep trying to tell her that being a rich man’s piece of pussy is not all it’s cracked up to be. Yeah, you get money and trips, but to me it’s not worth it. I been there, done that three times, and still said no,” Sutton said.
“Yeah, but I just want to have fun. I’m just eighteen.”
I looked at Ariel and then at Sutton. “How old are you?”
“Girl twenty-nine.”
My mouth dropped open. “You look younger than me. I am twenty-six.”
“Girl, this is my last class before I finish my degree. Thank you, God. I already have a job lined up for the next school term.”
“Oh wow. That’s so good.”
“Yeah, girl. The last man treated me better and got me in school here a couple years ago. I been on the fast track ever since.”
Ariel smacked her lips. “See, that’s what I want, man. A man to pay for my college and I can have fun all at the same time.”
“You want to be a teacher?”
“No. A child psychologist. One day. Sutton, how did you get chose?”
“Oh my God. You’re so nosy, but you’re just a baby and sometimes babies must touch the stove to see if it’s hot. Honestly, the first time, I was really minding my business and a man approached me. After you get thrown into the circle, men already know who you are, and they share, especially if the relationship ended amicably.”
“That makes sense.”
The boy that sat next to me in Jeff’s class was approaching us with a double cup in his hand. We talked a few times in class, but I never got his name.
“Y’all ladies over here, looking good, and not being social. The real party is at Warrick Hall.”
“Ugh. How old do you think we are?” Sutton asked disgustingly.
“Y’all not underclass—”
“No. Move,” she cut him off.
He looked down at me and smiled, and he zeroed in right on my cleavage.
“And what’s your name?”
“And you are definitely not from here.”
“No. Florida.”
“Oh. Nice. What brings you here? Would you like to go somewhere and talk?”
I shook my head and smiled. “No, thank you. Wait, don’t you have a girlfriend?”
“Talk as friends, Greysen,” he emphasized. “Hopefully, we can get grouped up for the project. I’d love to hear you talk to me more.”