Page 102 of Captivated By Danger

“Dinner table, now, Grey.”

She slammed her book and sat it next to her. When she stood, I looked her up and down. She had on a silk two-piece sleep set. Her nipples were poking through the fabric and, of course, she put her arm up when she saw I was looking. When she walked by me, I could tell that she wanted to say something, but kept it in. I followed her out of the room, keeping my eyes on her ass as we walked to the dining room. I couldn’t wait to bend her ass over and bury my face in her cheeks.

In the dining room, the chef set our plates at the corner of the table. When she tried to move her plate down a few seats, I snapped my finger and pointed at the place her plate originally sat. She stared at me as I pulled my jacket off and laid it over the chair. When I unbuttoned my vest, she broke our stare and eased in her seat. When the chef came in the room, she looked between the both of us, immediately taking note of the tension in the room.

“Greysen, what would you like to drink?”

“Wine. Red. Thank you,” she replied before looking at me. “Is red wine okay, Diesel,” she asked sarcastically.

I nodded my head with a smile.

When I sat down, she looked at her plate, trying her best not to look at me. She picked up her glass of water and took a sip of it. The more she tried not to look at me, the harder I stared at her. She was so fucking pretty. It was something about those fucking eyes that got me going, whether she was mad or happy. The chef brought her drink and set it on the side I was on, so she had no choice but to look my way. She kept her eyes glued to her water glass as she tried to grab her wine glass, but I grabbed it, scooting it back, forcing her to look at me. When her eyes caught mine, she looked back at her plate.

“How was school, Grey?”

She snarled at me.

“Would you like to talk about it in the other room?”

She swallowed. “No. No, I don’t. School was okay. Fine.”

“That’s it?”


“You’re being short with me.”

“Ain’t that what you like? Why are we even having dinner together anyway?”

I cocked my head to the side. “Isn’t that what you negotiated?”

“I negotiated a lot of stuff and haven’t gotten any of it, so…”

“This is about the kisses you want.”

She didn’t reply.

“You’re mad about the nipple clamps, still?”

“Still,” she hissed. “Yes. No. I don’t know. My mind is just all over the fucking place, Diesel. And when I want to talk to you, you just tell me to journal. And when I don’t do what you say, you spank me or torture me with clamps.”

I sat back in my seat. “You thought that was torture?”

“Or you respond with something ominous like that to whatever I say or ask!”

I raised my eyebrows at how loud she’d spoken. Her cheeks started to turn a shade of red. She inhaled and exhaled slowly.

“I want to enjoy this, but I want you to treat me like I’m a human with feelings. Everyone is not a robot like you. Your other girls just let you do that? They didn’t go crazy in this huge ass place with you not talking to them.”

“No. You’re the first one I’ve had dinner with like this, Grey.”

“Oh,” she whispered. “Really?”

“I wouldn’t lie.”


“Because the others never asked or negotiated.”